*BONUS* 11 February 2017

51 9 6

So please help me make the letter please! <3 Yes, I did reference the book itself by doing the Hey, You thing. Also the platonic thing. Please, tell me what to add and where to add it. I need to know by the end of today, but by tomorrow night would work as well.

Hey You,

It's me, your friend. The one with short hair who is short herself and who is self-conscious about everything to do with her voice. Yeah, that's me.

I was told it was time for me to tell you something. That's how I feel about you and how I feel around you. I feel a lot of different things, happiness, sadness, anger, and numbness being the most common.

You wouldn't understand though, you couldn't possibly. There is a simple way for me to say everything I have to; I like you. I like you quite a lot actually. It's TOTALLY platonic... not.

Let me let you in on a little secret, you're the first crush I've ever had. It's a weird feeling because everytime I'm around you my stomach is in knots and my heart beats ten times faster.

I guess you could call yourself my unintentional sweetest downfall.

Sincerely, Me.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now