1 February 2017

95 12 12

Hey You,

You completely ignored me...again. I'd thought that you had gotten over yourself and finally decided to quit being a complete arse about everything you did but clearly I was completely and utterly WRONG.

I was walking down the hallway, the same way I did last time and you ran into me, and you completely avoided me. I was irritated because it wasn't the first time you avoided me today. I don't know what's wrong, and I don't wanna ask because quite frankly I don't care.

Actually, I do care, but it's only a little bit and I don't want to admit that to anyone, especially not you. I have a question, but I don't wanna ask because I'm afraid you'll say yes. Are you in love with the person you walk down the hallways with all the time? 

I wouldn't blame you if you said yes, they have a pretty face and a pretty heart while I'm over here with neither. It's okay, though, you can be happy with them and I'll marry this rock that resembles a baked potato. Or I can marry a yam because it has the same personality type as me.

The nonexistent type. Did you like that joke? I have no sense of humor, but I know you laughed a bit. You didn't think it was funny at all, and neither did I but I was stating a simple truth. Thanks for the pity laugh, though.

I have a feeling you hate my guts now. I'm too afraid to ask and there is literally no safe place to ask our friend if you do. I want to know, but I can't ask them because there are too many opportunities for someone to overhear the running of information and we all know how badly that would end for me.

I hate you and I wish I could stay like that but you're too valuable of a friend for me to lose. I hope you understand that once and for all. I promise you, I hate you.

Sincerely, Me. 

P.S. I'm probably not going to be able to keep that promise, sorry.

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