27 February 2017

37 8 0

Hey You,

Today you came into my first-hour class. It was to drop off a bag, but before you left you grabbed my arm.

I'm still confused why because I've kind of sort of been ignoring you. You were kind of sort of ignoring me too, and you know how petty I get with attention.

You've been paying them attention. Today I could tell they were jealous because usually, they talk to me, but today was nice because they kept their distance. They were probably plotting to steal you during baseball season, but they don't see all the flaws.

I know you well enough, but I'd never say better than them. I know how serious you can get about a sport you play, and I don't think they realize that in their plans to get you to marry one of them. They don't realize you said you don't want to get married and that you want to move far away from our town.

You said you'd go to Britain, and that you'd stay with me. As long as you knew someone, you said. That made me much more happy than it should've at the time. It was an empty promise made in a moment? I felt real empathy when you said I was worth moving over twenty-four hours for, you'd leave everything behind to see me happy, if that isn't sweet then I don't know what is.

Sincerely, Me.

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