2 February 2017

75 12 0

Hey You,

Why are you completely avoiding me? I DON'T care if you like me back, I can't help my feelings, but you need to STOP ignoring me so blatantly. It's really obvious anymore. Before you say "No it's not!" you have to realize that when you see me in the hallway, you turn around and walk the opposite way. 

Also, you don't realize, it's been so long since I've texted you and previous times we've texted you tend to reply pretty fast. I know you read it, but don't want to reply because then you will have to admit that you were ignoring me.

I know you don't want to man up and say that you are, but it's really obvious my friends are commenting on it. My friend and I were walking down the hallway, and you saw me and ran into the bathroom--which is behind where you were when you saw me (also opposite of the direction you were heading but who cares about the minor details right??)

I got into our friend's locker and wrote something in it. It said: "****'s not as cool as they say they are. -****" It stayed on the dry erase board all day, and I overheard you whisper to your friend something along the lines of 'erase that phrase it is false.' I sighed, putting my head down and ran away.

I wasn't upset, I was just trying not to punch you because if that were to happen the consequences against me would be more extreme than they normally would be. It's because of your rank, the vice principal's and librarian's child. If you were jack diddly squat like me, I would've punched you, and taken the verbal warning and phone call home.

I wish you'd text me back, as of this moment whilst writing this letter, it has been 50 minutes. I swear, if you don't text back, I'll ask our friend for the details and blackmail their butt. I hope for both of your sakes that you text me back.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. You better text back, because don't forget the fact we exchanged addresses.

P.P.S. I actually forgot your address, oops.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now