12 February 2017

43 10 6

Hey You,

I hyperventilated a couple times today. I cried and held myself in a ball letting heartbreak songs play in the background. I still like you a lot, but I'm mourning the loss of a couple of the best friendships I've had. It's all for you.

I had a hard time breathing at one point. I pretended to fall down, so I'd have a "real" reason for not being able to breathe. The truth is I can't think of a world where you aren't in, at least for this year.

I know eventually you won't be there, and I've accepted that so far, but for now you are in every thought I have. My first thought in the morning and my last thought as I drift off at night.

I'm pretty sure that's normal, but I've been known to make so many mistakes in my life. It's kind of what I'm known for, other than being quiet, I'm the "Queen of Mistakes" and "The Quiet Girl" all in one.

I have a feeling you're going to ignore me after I give you the letter, and you're never going to speak to me again which will end that friendship I treasure so much to end.

I've been told to lighten up, and the worst case scenario is that you don't have the same feelings for me and will just tell me to come back when I don't have feelings for you. I doubt it'll happen that way, that's not the way you are.

I can't ponder on it too long, it'll cause me to break down like I have done so many times already today.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. I hope you will have a good reaction.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now