c h a p t e r | VI

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- VI -

"He will send a car for you after school tomorrow," Chris Alpha informed as none of us responded.

"Wait hold on a second..."

"What do you mean he wants her to live with him? She's the leader of our warriors! We need her here," Shane inquired, his hands gesturing all over the place.

I took a firm grip on his arm closest to me to get him to stop.

"He's requesting me to live with him?" I asked in disbelieve. I could not comprehend I was hearing him correctly.

"Yes. He was very persistent actually. I told him Shane would be the obvious choice." He gestured slightly to Shane. "He did not want anyone else than you, though," he added thoughtfully and rubbed his chin.

"No shit," Shane muttered, thankfully I was the only one who heard him.

"I cannot live with him!" I exclaimed as it finally sank in. My heart doing cartwheels and my wolf was jumping around merrily by the thought of seeing her mate again.

Oh please, why did everything in my body scream for something my head said no to? Scratch that one half of my head did - my wolf part was a traitor.

"And why can't you?" Alpha Chris eyebrow raised at my outburst. It was not like me to lose my cool.

"I.. I just can't," I replied my eyes flickering around the room unable to look at any of them.

"Listen, Alpha there is something you must know..." Shane started hesitantly, but I yanked my elbow in his side earning a suspicious look from both Chris and John.

"Is there something you guys want to tell us?" John asked his arms crossing over his chest.



"He means no. It's nothing. Nothing we can't handle." I quickly said with a glare towards Shane and he shook his head before I turned back to my Alpha.

"We'll see this through. We will catch the one who is behind it all in no time so we can go back to how things were," I stated firmly hoping I could convince myself that I could do this in the process.

"Make us proud, Skye." Alpha said with a nod before he turned to Shane.

"This leaves you Shane as temporary head of the warriors here, while Skye is located elsewhere."

"Yes, Alpha," Shane quickly nodded in respect and we both bid our hasty goodbyes, hurrying out of the door.

"What the hell, Skye?!"

I sighed, this seemed to be a pattern these days. Him yelling at me whenever we were alone.

"You shouldn't tell him. It's not your responsibility to tell!" I flung my arms at him, my hair whipping around my face and I quickly pushed it backwards.

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