c h a p t e r | XVIII

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"... Care what you think! I have to see her!" I heard a familiar voice yell out in the distance and my eyes fluttered open, taking in the familiar scene of my room at the Warrior House.

"I'm not letting you in there. She needs rest and she can't do that with people coming and going all the time! She'll call you when she's ready!" I heard Chase's voice determinedly reply and I turned to look at the closed door.

"You are letting me in or I swear—" Argent's voice growled out from the other side of the door and I felt his temper rise within my chest.

"You have no say in what happens here, Argent. This is our territory. For us even to let you this far is showing you our hospitality, but as how far as it goes with Skye, you are not getting in there," Chase cut him off calmly and I could just picture how my best friend was guarding the door.

"Lucas, let's go," Ryder spoke up, a hint of plead in his voice and I sat up on the bed, however even by that small movement I felt lightheaded and my head fell back on the headrest, my eyes closing again and I blocked out the sounds and concentrated on my breathing instead. In the back of my head I noticed my wolf still asleep, her breaths long and hollow.

My hearing set into motion again as I heard the lock on the door click before a cracking sounded out indicating it opened, and I slowly managed to open my eyes again.

"You got him to leave?" I spoke, my voice small and hoarse as I noticed Chase in the doorframe his look turning cautious for a minute, before a small smile graced his lips.

"That guy of yours is extremely intimidating, I tell you that, but yes for know. He's been refusing to leave for hours. Riley had to call Ryder," Chase informed and walked over to my nightstand and poured a glass of water which he held out for me. I gladly accepted, taking a sip of the elixir of life while Chase sat down beside me on the bed his eyes not leaving my face as I drank.

"Chase..." I sighed when I sat the glass back on the table.

"How are you feeling? The healer gave you a shot to subdue any occurring dreams for you to finally relax. She said your mind is stressed beyond anything she's ever seen. It's putting both you and your wolf in danger."

My eyes snapped to his as he let out the words.

"I know you have been having nightmares, Skye. I live right next to you," he gestured to the wall, "And I take it they didn't stop when you moved in with Argent, rather the opposite." His intense stare softened and I started to pick at a hole in the sheets.

"What's going on with you, Skye?" He questioned as I didn't say anything.

"Is it the bond? Argent looked like a wreck when he came here."

I ran my hands over my face before I looked away from him, my eyes staring at a fixed point on the wall opposite him.

"He took the knife," I muttered quietly to the wall. I knew it wasn't the answer he was looking for and to him it obviously did not make sense as to why I started talking about the dagger. He clearly shared Argent's view concerning that thing.

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