c h a p t e r | XXVI

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- XXVI -



"Lucas, can you hear me?" I shook his arm as he remained frozen in his position by the kitchen counter, the coffee cup in pieces on the floor, a few blood drops sprinkled too, but as I looked at him he did not seem to be bleeding, at least not anymore.

I walked in front of him, careful not to step on the broken china, my eyes searching his but they seemed distant, as if he was not even there. I frowned, my hands moving to cup his face, but I barely got to touch him before he moved.

"What the hell, Argent?!" I shrieked and looked down at my now torn shirt, or well his torn shirt, however Argent did not seem to care as he was too busy inspecting the mark, which was now like it always had been - a replicate of the crescent moon on his shoulder.

"I saw the blood," he mumbled before he placed his hands on my neck moving my head upwards to look into his intense awaiting eyes.

"What blood? Wha—" I stuttered, his searching gaze made me feel extremely uncomfortable and scared, though I was not sure why.

"From the knife, from when—" he gulped as his eyes started to flicker, an ashen color started creeping onto his face.

"You had to go through these memories?" He spoke silently and my heart sank with dread. I placed my hand on his chest, feeling his heart pound erratically and I finally understood what he meant and I leaned into him catching his lips with mine briefly.


"The pain. So much pain and I know I've only scratched the surface. How did you— How did you cope with them. I would've—"

"Run away?" I sent him a weak knowing smile which he returned sheepishly as we both recalled our first meeting at the diner.

"How much did you see?" I asked hesitantly and saw how his face turned serious again, his thumb starting to move in caressing circles on my cheek.

"I heard you scream and I ran through the forest to find you, only to find you on this small cliffside all bloodied and—" he looked like he swallowed something bitter, his stance becoming straighter.

"I felt the searing pain of the knife right before I felt me being jerked back into reality," he looked down flexing his fingers.

"I never anticipated how real it would feel. I mean I know I've already seen glimpses of our past, but it was always good. It always reminded me how perfect you were - we were together, I never realized how much hurt—"

"Lucas, don't do this to yourself. Don't dwell on the hard parts, it's not..." I did not know how to say it as I had not been any better, but seeing the look of what I could only think of as regret made my insides coil with even greater despair than what all those memories had brought me combined.

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