c h a p t e r | XXII

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- XXII -

"You are not manning the kissing booth!" Argent glowered at me and I tried holding back my laugh and I waved him off and I started walking through the crowd.

"Skye!" He yelled after me but I didn't stop as I weaved in and out around the other people that had come to watch the game to reach the bleachers, and shot a backwards glance over my shoulder and noticed Argent was not far behind. Even though most of the people here were in fact human it was still as if they could sense his powerful aura subconsciously parting for him to pass through freely.

I had not even reached the stairs before he had caught up to me, his hand gently placed on my elbow as I started to climb the stairs.

"Tell me you're joking," he half whispered, half hissed in my ear and I let out a giggle.

"What is it to you if I kiss a few guys?" I spoke innocently and he tugged on my arm to stop me and come face to face with him and I batted my eyelashes exaggeratedly.

"You are not—"

"And you're not going to sit with that little fan base you've attracted," I spoke up drowning his words.

"Oh so this is what it's about," Argent chuckled a little, looking down towards a little crowd of girls which kept glancing and waving at him. Caleb and Damian with them obviously having a good time.

"I want you to come with me," he spoke casually and I let out a quick snort before raising my brow at him.


I motioned towards my blue and white shirt, the colors of my school as if that said it all and Argent took it as his chance to run his eyes over my body and I hit his shoulder as it lit a fire in my stomach but also a redness to my cheek of him so openly checking me out.

"I am not going to sit with the enemy," I stated and crossed my arms.

"Oh baby, I'm not the enemy," he retorted with a chuckle and took a step further his hands dropping to my waist pulling me in the rest of the way.

"Well, considering the shirt you're wearing you are," I said with a slight smile and tugged at his red and yellow jersey pulling him in for a quick kiss before I jumped away from him and made my way towards Ally who was already there.

"Hey Ally, about that Kissing Booth, do you still—" I heard a growl in the distance that made goosebumps trail over my arms and I turned around coming face to face with a red-cladded chest.

"She will not be attending the Kissing Booth," Argent declared firmly and sat down pulling me with him to sit beside him and Ally.

"Like I could actually make her," Ally rolled her eyes with a grin and I just shrugged as Argent shot me a look.

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