c h a p t e r | XXXIII

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"That's why you reacted so strongly considering the myths, but Argent really. If you believe them why did you insinuate that—" I shook my head, trying to wrap my head about it, "If you are the first werewolf then how can you let yourself think you stole me away from some other psychopathic wolf?"

Argent leaned back on his elbow, and took his time throwing a pebble into the otherwise calm still water. He had been reluctant to answer my question, saying it was not the right place to tell me and so I had spent the whole night trying to persuade him to let me leave the bed and we could go somewhere where he felt comfortable.

These last few days had taken hard on him, his shoulders never seemed to ease, and he always held this faraway expression on his face. But still it was nothing compared to when he looked at me.

There was something unsettling about the way he looked at me. Like how he wanted to eagerly to tell me something but still could not get himself to do so, and when I tried he closed up even more.

However not once since Shane's.... Not once since that day had he left me alone. Wherever I was, he was. A part of me knew it was because he was afraid of what I might do, but the other kept saying it was due to the same feeling that had crept onto me.

The end was drawing closer. It was certain as there seemed to lure this frosty temperature over the territory and according to Argent it had been a few days since he'd last seen the sun and the moon for that matter.

It was as if everything was preparing itself and I did not like it one bit. Once again my hand moved unconsciously to the shaft of the dagger. Argent had gotten me this leg holster for the dagger as he knew how important it was for me to keep it on me at all times. I was constantly on edge and so everybody else seemed to be so too.

That was another reason why I had pleaded Argent for us to get away. Right now we were at the outskirts of my old pack's territory. The last time I was here was with the twins and Ally before we started seriously training as warriors, and before I had been announced the commander.

To me this was a childhood memory, a place that held peace and quiet and now looking at Argent I knew he was feeling it too.

That or the fact that it was the closet we could ever get to the very first place we met those centuries ago.

I did not push Argent to respond me. I knew this had to be told at his own pace and so I turned my attention to the lake.

The lake was pure and lazy, dividing itself in two as one of them would lead to Hill Crest, the cliff on Alpha Chris' territory. The place where I had my very first shared memory with Argent.

Everything suddenly felt so long ago and that was saying something considering who we were.

Needing to feel his touch and to tell him I was right there when he was ready, I placed my palm over his hand, interlocking our fingers and gave it a small squeeze, all without prying my gaze away from the green lush scenery.

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