c h a p t e r | XXV

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- XXV -

"Argent, slow down," I called out as Argent flung the doors open to the hotel not bothering to keep them open for me. I even had to run to squeeze myself between the closing doors of the elevator as he was already inside.

His whole body was rigid as he refused to look at me. His arms tense and crossed over his chest, making his muscle bulge. If I was not so desperate for him to acknowledge me I would have taken a second to appreciate just how powerfully strong he looked, but I had seen a glimpse of the look in his eyes before he turned away from me.

"Lucas," my voice turned low and I placed a hand lightly on his shoulder only to feel how he tensed even further.

"Skye, just don't," he pleaded me, his hung his head looking at the floor.

"But this is what you want—"

"It isn't what I want!" He gritted out through his teeth cutting me off while taking a step backwards only to be stopped by the wall due to the limited space in the elevator.

"I want you to be safe," he breathed and ran his hands through his hair before rubbing his face.

"I-." I got cut off again as the elevator doors opened up to the penthouse and Argent quickly stepped out, obviously to maintain a distance between us, which made me hurry after him only to crash into his back as he had stopped right outside the doors.


"Skye..." His voice was hesitant, his hand firmly clasping protectively over my wrist. Walking up to his side I looked around, and could not see anything out of the ordinary but considering Argent's tone there was no room for argument as something clearly was wrong.

"Where's your knife?" He asked slowly, his head turning to look at me for the first time in a while, his eyes full of begging as if he needed me to give him the desired explanation he wanted.

"In my room, but why? I-."

"Stay here," he asked, a guarded expression on his face as he let go of my wrist and strode towards the stairs.

"Lucas, what's going on?" I asked as confusion took over me taking a step forward.

"Just stay here," he repeated before vanishing out of view from the stairs. I let him have another second's lead before I jumped up the stairs, walking towards my room.

"Argent, instead of acting like this. Can't we just talk about it? I know I'm not making any sense, but I realized something tonight..." I spoke up as I walked down the hallway, stopping as I came to the now opened door of my room only to have my mouth fall open to the floor.

"Argent, what the hell?!" I shouted as I saw the state of my room.

Argent was standing in the middle of what used to be my tidy and clean room, but was now looking as if a tornado has gone through it. Papers scattered everywhere, my laptop on the floor, my bed unmade, even the mattress had been pushed off the post. It was as if someone had been searching every possible hiding place.

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