c h a p t e r | XIX

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- XIX -

I got as far as to the parking lot before my sense of reason somewhat came back and I crouched behind a few parked cars shifting back to my human form quickly untying my shorts and top to put it on. I hesitated for a second thinking of what the receptionist would say to my appearance as I was walking barefoot, but as I stared inside the huge glass doors I noticed the whole floor was completely stripped of people.

'Mate' my wolf purred, obviously in agony of being apart from him and a wave of impatience overwhelmed me so I hurried over to the elevator which opened immediately as I pushed the button.

I could feel the impatience of my wolf's continuously pacing in my mind add to my own and my hand didn't stray from the penthouse button, pushing it over and over again as if it would make the elevator go faster.

I needed to get to him. With every fiber of my being I needed to see him. I did not pause to think of the forced severed tie between us which had been cut off by my friends keeping me asleep. I did not dwell on the fact of him possibly being angry with me either. I did not think at all, as only one thing was evident in my mind - the need to see him.

"Luca-" I breathed the minute the doors finally opened, however the yell got caught in my throat as the first thing my eyes caught onto was the presence in front of me.

My mate.

My love.

My destiny.

I lost my breath by the sight of him: He looked in tatters, his eyes wild and tormented. He was merely a shadow of himself, just like I had been before the sleep catalyst. I had been blocked from the connection that bonded us together leaving Argent to bear it on his own and I knew instead of him blocking it out too he had been hanging on for his dear life.

'We put him through this,' my wolf mewled inside my head and I internally cursed my friends for their lack of thought towards what it meant for my other half.

I took a step forward, finally stepping out of the elevator. It was like every molecule in the room stopped moving as Argent stopped breathing. The dust particles were immobile in the air, the electronics suppressed their soughing noise, even the murmuring and wind on the outside was absent not tormenting the windows. It was like this moment would define everything that was to occur from this specific place in time. No take backs.

Not that I needed one, my mind was already made up before I realized what he was holding.

The object forced me out of my stupor and within three strides I was in front of him, yanking the knife out of his hold and threw it at the floor without a second glance.

"What have I done?" I breathed out my eyes wide as I stared at his hand. The blisters red, swollen and on the verge of popping. Parts of his skin were already seared off. I felt bile rise up in my throat of knowing I was the real cause of his pain and not the knife. My hands gently lifted his wounded hand to take in the vile looking blisters further.

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