c h a p t e r | XXXI

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- XXXI -

Everything was hazy. It was like I had become detached from the world, no longer living on the same plane as the others. I did not notice the frantic movements in the background. I did not recognize the screams, yells or howls.

I did not care if it were enemies or allies. I could not care for anything.

All my senses had stopped working, or maybe they were just heightened so immensely that they could no longer be depended on.

I could not feel my body. Everything was numb to me except for my bleeding heart which was slicing itself into agonizing pieces with every futile breath.

That too was a lie, because I was in pain. In pain so excruciating I did not know how to make sense of the body I was holding in my arms.


"Skye." A voice tried coming into focus, the only voice that could get me to listen, but I wouldn't. I couldn't because if I turned around I knew it was true. It wasn't just faith playing a cruel and hard game with me.

This was real.

"No!" I screamed as I felt a hand on my shoulder, trying to pry me away.

"No!" The sobs got caught in my throat and I crashed onto the body, claiming it in my embrace, smoothing away the hair from his face.

It was not supposed to happen like this. It couldn't happen like this.

It couldn't be true.

It simply couldn't.

He was dead.


"N-noo," I responded again as it was the only thing I knew how to say.

"Skye, Love." His voice was gentle and sympathetic. I could feel he was heartbroken from seeing how shattered I was, but I could not cloak my feelings. He was feeling every inch of the despair, hurt and loss I was seconds away from exploding of.

Gently, he bent down, reaching for me and slowly almost as if I was made of glass pulled me into his embrace. I did not know how long I was cradled in his arms and I had no idea of how I got into new clothes.

The only thing I did notice was how my hands fisted tightly into his t-shirt breathing in his rainy scent in hope of it would calm me down while listening to his still beating heart.

Argent did not say anything, nor did he have to. There was nothing no one could say to make this remotely bearable.

"He's dead, Lucas," I wept into his chest, squeezing my eyes shut tightly, as I wrapped my hands impossibly tighter into the fabric and he responded by tightening his hold on me, scooping me completely into his frame.

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