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I stood in front of Geoff, watching my brother eagerly telling me about where he works. I'd seem some videos they made, and as much as Geoff talked about how much he loved it there, those videos said otherwise. He lit up when he spoke of them, but I wasn't sure about joining them.

"I don't know Geoff." I said, scratching at the skin on my forearm. Geoff noticed and smacked my hand away from my skin.

"Okay, what if you come in today, and just have a look around. See all what you like." He shrugged. "I'll even let you just hang around for a week, before asking you again." He smiled his goofy smile at me. I shrugged.

"It won't hurt." I said, looking up at my brother. We didn't look anything alike. In fact, I was adopted. I was almost half his age, and our parents would've been like 40 by the time they had me. I was just adopted at birth. I never knew my parents, and I never cared to contact them. Which probably would have been my best option at an early age.

When I was 16, I had gone to a party and did some drugs. I later found out, the hard way, that addiction ran heavily in my biological family. They took over my life. For 10 years, I struggled with my addictions. I had scars littering my body from the misuse. Geoff made jokes about hard drugs, but they were never meant to mean any harm.

Geoff pulled me into a hug tightly and kissed the top of my head.

"Now let's get out of here, so you can meet the chuckleheads." He smiled at me. I nodded and I followed him out to his car.

I'd been living with Geoff, Millie and Griffon for a couple months, from the time I wound up in the hospital, and our parents wanted nothing to do with me, Geoff took me in and made it his mission to keep me clean. I'd gone through rehab and AA. It did help some, but I couldn't believe myself wasting the "best years of my life" away from behind addicted to drugs. I hated myself for it actually.

Griffon was nice to me, but Millie was starting to grow up into the little sass Geoff and I were. It took Geoff and I weeks to convince her, we were brother and sister. She still didn't believe us because "We didn't look alike."

When Geoff pulling into the parking lot, he began talking again. I rolled my eyes as I got out. I pulled on my jacket and hummed a song to myself. We walked into a building and he talked to a girl at the front desk for a quick second.

"Gabi, this is Kara. She's our front desk lady. Kara, this is my sister Gabi." He smiled, as he leaned over the desk. Kara looked up at me and smiled and went back to work. "Let me show you the Achievement Hunter office first." He grinned at me, I nodded and followed him down a hallway that lead into a kitchen. We rounded the corner and loud screaming came from behind the door. I raised an eyebrow at my brother. "So, you're about to meet Gavin, Michael, Ray, Jack and Ryan and I just want you to duck the second I open this door." He laughed, looking at me. I smiled in returned and as soon as the door opened, a round plush ball hit Geoff square in the face. I couldn't help but laugh.

"YOU FUCKIN' GOT HIM RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES!" Someone from inside the room screamed, their squealing and laughing made me giggle. It was silly. But it was also heavily accented.

"Alright you fucking cock suckers, who did that?" Geoff snapped, picking the plushie back up and chucking it inside the room.

"It wasn't me!" they all called. Geoff rolled his eyes and opened the door widely enough.

"I have a surprise for you assholes. My sisters come to visit." Geoff's eyes had a twinkle in them, and his smile was genuine. I walked in and popped my head into the door frame, giving them a small smile. Geoff and I walked into the room, there were 5 guys standing in the back of the room, in front of a camera.

Three of the guys, who were obviously younger, than the other two, were gawking at me. A light blush covered my cheeks. One of those boys, had sandy brown, which was incredibly messy, hair, his face was covered in a light scruff. He was short, from what I saw, but technically, he's tall because I'm roughly 5'2. The one next to him was a ginger, I think. He wore small framed glasses on his face, he had a tattoo on his forearm and he had the sandy haired one in a headlock. The guy next to the ginger, was about the same height, from what I could tell, as the ginger. He had dark hair, and facial hair. He wore thick rimmed glasses, and his facial hair was lightly scattered across his jaw line.

The next one, was taller. He had a beanie covering his hair, and he looked liked he gives good hugs. He was a bit muscley and he also hand light facial hair complimenting his face. The last one, was about the same height. He had dark ginger hair, covering both his head and face. His beard was quite thick, and very well groomed. unlike Geoff's ratty thing.

"Well, this is Gavin," pointing to the one in the headlock "Michael," pointing to the one putting Gavin in a headlock, "Ray," pointing to the one next to Michael, "Ryan and Jack." He finished, pointing to the man in the beanie, and the beard guy. "and this is Gabi. She's off limits. Or I'll kick your ass." I cringed at that and rolled my eyes. I waved and Gavin freed himself from Michaels arms.

"You're related?" Gavin blurted out, his accent was thick. It almost melted my heart, but I didn't think he really was all that attractive.

"Yeah?" I said, looking at Gavin.

"You don't look anything alike!" He pouted.

"Well not everyone looks identical to their sibling like you do to George, Gavin!" Michael barked at him.

"AYE! I don't look like George! He looks like me! I'm older!" Gavin spat at him. I giggled at these two. They seemed to argue like a married couple. Speaking of marriage, I noticed that Michael had a ring on his left ring finger. I smiled to myself as they bickered on. Geoff took me all over the office today and once we were done with our tour, we went back to the AH Office so Geoff could join the boys in a Let's Play, I just minded my own business. I sat on a couch, hidden away in the corner, and there was a giant fish plushie. I giggled and laid my head on it.

I hummed and listened to the boys scream at each other until I got bored. I texted Geoff, not caring if he was doing a video, in the same room as me or not. I was tired, but I couldn't sleep because of the noise. I tossed around on the couch until the office finally quieted down. I looked over at the guys, and Michael and Gavin were gone, all their equipment was put away. Geoff, Jack, Ryan and Ray had their headphones on. I decided to take that opportunity and take a nap.

When I had woken up, I had noticed I was in my own room, and it was about midnight. I must have napped longer than I should have.

I heard some noises downstairs, and decided to check it out. Arrow was sleeping in front of Geoff and Griffons door. I walked downstairs to see a man with shaggy brown hair in the kitchen. I noticed it was Gavin, I cleared my throat and looked at him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, looking at him.

"Wot? I live 'ere." He said, his face full of food.

"Since when?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Since like forever. I've just been staying with my girlfriend, up until I got back from England yesterday." He explained, running a hand through his hair.

"Plus, Geoff kicked me out when you came to live here because for some odd reason he thought I'd try to hit on you." Gavin shrugged. "I mean, you're a very pretty girl, and I understand why he would think that, but I have Meg." He wiped the food crumbs from his mouth. "Good night though. I'll see you tomorrow." He said, taking a last swig from his cup, setting it in the sink and walking back up to his room.

Well, that would've been nice to know Geoff.

Puppy Love {Gavin Free} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now