Definitely Not His Socks

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A couple weeks had passed since Gavin last spent the night. We never finished a movie marathon because he's always half asleep during half of it, so I would  end up watching them alone, which, is not fun!

Gavin and I were almost inseparable and it's a matter of time because he realizes how boring I am. Like we work together, and he never has time to see me while he's busy, but he's right up on my dick after we get off. He basically lives with me now, but I missed Millie and Griffon.

At the end of the day, I met up with Gavin at my car.

"Hey, I miss Millie. You think Geoff would make me food?" I said, looking at him and I grabbed my keys. Gavin laughed and shook his head.

"He's your brother!" He snickered, getting into the passenger seat. I got in the drivers and I smiled over at him.

"You spend a lot of time at my house, don't you ever get bored?" I asked, he frowned and shook his head.

"Love, I could never get bored of you." He pouted, he leaned over and kissed my cheek. I smiled and nodded, turning on the car. I quickly texted Geoff, asking if I could stay the night at his house with Gav. "If you miss Millie, you can spend the night. We can have a massive slumber party!" He chuckled, I giggled with him and nodded. I pulled out of the parking lot.

"I'd love to spend the night again, I just texted Geoff, but I'm sure he'll be okay with it." I said, glancing at him and driving off towards Geoff's house.

"Don't you want clothes bird?" He asked, taking my hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Nah, I can wear your clothes." I smiled over at him quickly, focusing my gaze on the road again.

"I love when you wear my clothes, to be honest. Cause when I get them back, they smell like you." he chuckled, I giggled and my phone went off.

"Can you see if that's Geoff?" I asked, pulling my hand from his and handing him my phone. He took it and opened my phone.

"Yeah, he said it's cool." He replied and I nodded. The rest of the drive was filled by us telling each other how our days went. As we pulled into Geoff's driveway, I took my keys out of the ignition and grabbed my bag, as Gavin grabbed his housekeys. I took my sketch book out of my bag and threw it in the back seat. We got out and I locked my car, as we walked to the door. Gavin unlocked the door and Millie popped her head over the couch.

"Gavvy! I haven't seen you in forever!" She grinned a toothy grin.

"I've got a special surprise for you!" He said, cheerfully.

"Is it candy?!" She squealed, getting off the couch and walking over towards Gavin. Her eyes rested on me and she screamed bloody murder. I laughed and squated down, she threw herself onto me and I picked her up. I groaned as I struggled to hold her up.

"Geez, Mills, you're getting too old for this, my love." I said, setting her back down.

"Are you staying over tonight?" She asked, and I nodded. "Good! Cause I miss you!!" She giggled. She must have finally accepted me as family.

"You know, you're welcome to come over to my place any time you want!" I smiled at her. Geoff walked out from the kitchen and smiled at us. "Dad! Did you know Gabs was coming?" I sighed at that nickname. It was never going to go away, and I'll never get used to it.

"I did but I wanted to surprise you." Geoff chuckled, leaning on the door frame and crossed his arms. He beckoned to Gavin, I'm guessing he wanted to talk to him. I watched as Gavin walked over to Geoff and they disappeared into the kitchen.

"Let me go put my stuff in Gavin's room." I smiled.

"Why Gavin's room?" she asked.

"Oh because I doubt they've kept my room the same since I left. I don't even think it has a bed!" I giggled, watching Millie run up the stairs.

"Actually, it's my room now!" She smiled widely from the landing. I chuckled and walked up the stairs a bit slower than her. I turned Gavin's light on and tossed my bag on the floor. I glanced around his room and saw how messy it was.

"Hey, Millie! Let's do Gavin a favor!" I said, turning around and looking at her.

"Sure! What're we going to do?" She said, skipping over to me.

"Let's clean his room." I said, looking down at her. She wrinkled her face in disgust, then nodded.

"His room does need a makeover." She giggled, I giggled with her and grabbed his laundry hamper. "How are we going to tell what's dirty and what's not?" She asked.

"Well, I'm not going to sniff his underwear-" I started, causing her to giggle uncontrollably. I chuckled and shook my head. "but we can start by just throwing all his undergarments in the hamper, and sniff his jeans and shirts." I said, kneeling to the ground next to a pile of clothes.

"Definitely not his socks!" She giggled, grabbing a pile of socks and throwing them at me. I laughed and swatted them away.

"Ha ha Millie!" I laughed, I started tossing his boxers and socks in the hamper and within a good 30 minutes we had sorted through his clothes, hung the clean ones up and tossed the dirty ones in the washing machine. "You should get ready for bed, lovebug." I said, looking at her as we both flopped on the bed. She whined and sat back up.

"Can I sleep with you and Gavin?" She asked, looking down at me. I sat up and kissed her head.

"That's not up to me, Mils. I don't live here anymore." I said, pushing her hair behind her ear. I looked up at the door frame to see Gavin standing there. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I'm quiet the sleeper, Millie." He chuckled, she looked up at me and I nodded in agreement.

"He's a hurricane when he sleeps, I swear I wake up every morning on the floor." I giggled, looking up at Gavin.

"Are you two dating?" She asked, it was so sudden it was like a slap in the face for both of us. Gavin frowned slightly, as if this isn't what he wanted. I shrugged and looked up at Gavin, who did the same thing as i did.

"Not yet, princess. But seriously, you should go to bed." I said, kissing her head. She nodded and got up, walking to her room after saying her goodnight. Gavin sat on the bed next to me and kissed my shoulder.

"Not yet?" He said, looking at me. I looked back and shrugged.

"Well, we aren't." I said and shrugged again. "What did Geoff wanna talk about." I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Nothing, really. It was about you." He said, looking down at his hands. He got up momentarily to shut the door, and sat back down. "Well, it's pretty obvious I like you Gabi." He chuckled, I nodded and watched his face change so many expressions all at once. "And, I've been wanting to ask you out, but I always end up flubbing my words together and make myself look like a massive idiot!" He pouted, looking up at me.

"Gavin." I said, matching his gaze.

"Yes Gabs?" He answered.

"If you want to ask me out, don't be afraid. I'm not going to say no. Don't be nervous." I shrugged, resting my own head on my shoulder.

"Well, you like, intimidate me." He chuckled.

"Just do it." I giggled, looking at him. He blushed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Well, Gabi. I like you a lot, as you know. And I love being around you, you make me incredibly happy." He chuckled, looking down at his hands. He sighed and looked up at me. "Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He finished, taking my hands. I smiled widely and nodded.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend." I giggled, a smile crept across his face. He pulled my face to his, planting a kiss on my lips. I kissed back, smiling into the kiss. I tried really hard to kiss him back, but my smile was too prominent.

"That's weak! Kiss me back!!" He whined, looking at me with puppy dog eyes. He petted his lip and I giggled, shaking my head. I kissed him passionately.

Puppy Love {Gavin Free} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now