Animal Shelter

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When we got back to Austin, Gavin and I decided to stay home for a couple days. Matt and Burnie finally gave Maisey a job. She was ecstatic when Geoff called her. And when Gav and I told her we were going to adopt a cat, she almost cried. She told me when she left Ireland, she had to leave her cat behind. She wanted to come along, but I told her that Gavin and I had been planning this for a while.

I pulled up to the shelter, and we got out of my car. We walked inside and walked over through the dogs. Gavin didn't want me going in the dog areas, because he knew I would feel obliged to adopt one. And he was right, I wanted to adopt all of them. But unfortunately, my small apartment wouldn't hold all these pups.

We eventually got over to the cats, and I immediately fell in love with a siamese cat, Gavin wanted him in the same second he laid eyes upon the cat.

"Oh my god, love, we have to get him!" He pouted, looking up at me. He was squat down in front of the cage, as the cat rubbed against Gavin's fingers. He was purring loudly and I nodded.

"Okay, we can get him. Only if I can get that dog I was looking at." I giggled, as he groaned.

"Your landlord is going to murder us!" He chuckled.

"So I can get it?" I grinned, as he stood up. He sighed, dramatically and nodded.

"Fine." He smiled and I giggled.

"Fuck yeah." I returned the smile. He kissed my forehead and took my hand, walking back to the front. He told the front desk lady which animals we wanted and she informed one of the workers. She brought the cat back in a cat carrier and the dog back with a leash and collar. I smiled widely, looking at the dog. She was a black lab mix, her fur was long and when we walked up to the cage, she began dancing and I wanted her so bad, and I was shocked that Gavin even said yes.

We put our animals in my car, as I climbed into the drivers seat.

"It's like we're having kids." I giggled, looking over at my boyfriend who was enamored by the cat. He was sitting in the seat, backwards so he could pet him through the carrier. "Gavin!" I poked his side, causing him to squeal and look at me.

"What?" He pouted.

"Get buckled. Let's get home, Maisey went and bought stuff for them." I smiled, looking at him. He smiled back and cupped my face, kissing me. I kissed back and pulled away.

"I think this would be better than taking our kids home." He laughed, sitting back in his seat and buckled up. I giggled and drove back to our apartment. We decided that our cats name would be Smee, but I wasn't sure on a name for the dog.

We got inside and Maisey was setting up a cat tower.

"Oh that's top!" Gavin smiled, as he set Smee's carrier down. "He'll love that!" His smile grew wider as he sat in front of the carrier and opened the door. I was nervous that our dog was sniffing everything, thinking she'd go pee or poop on something, even though I stood outside with her for almost an hour to make sure she went poop.

"Have you picked a name for your pup?" Maisey asked, as I followed her around.

"No, it's hard. I had hoped for a boy dog so I could name him Gideon but," I shrugged, "she stuck out to me more than the other dogs did. She danced." I grinned up at my friend, who was looking down at our dog.

"What about Ellie?" Maisey suggested and I nodded.

"GAVIN!" I yelled, walking back into the living room, to see him playing with Smee. I smiled widely at the sight. He jumped, causing Smee to run behind the couch.

"Gabi!!! You scared him!" Gavin pouted up at me, I shook my head and sat next to him.

"Do you like the name Ellie?" I asked him, as he tried to lure Smee back out.

"I like it, but it's your dog." He chuckled, and rubbed Smee's ears.

"You're gonna give that cat more damn love you give me, aren't you?" I laughed, and kissed his cheeks.

"Well, someone's gotta love me around here." He chuckled and smiled at me. I kissed his lips softly, getting up to see where Ellie and Maisey went. Ellie was rolling around in Gavin and I's bed. I pouted as she rubbed herself all over our sheets, and groaned when she dug herself underneath the covers.

"I just washed those!!" I whined, and walked over to my bed, ripping the covers off my pup. She sat up straight, her ears perked up and tongue sticking out of her mouth. It almost seemed like she was smiling. I quickly took a picture of her and sent it to Jon.

To Jon Risinger

Jon! Got Bella a new friend! Play date soon?

From Jon Risinger

Oh my god, she's precious! Play date soon indeed!

I smiled at my phone and fell onto my bed. Ellie jumped around on the bed and ran off into the bathroom. I got up and followed her as she sniffed around the toilet, and ran back into my room, onto my bed. I walked over towards her and she bolted into the living room, where Gavin and Maisey were. I heard Gavin shriek and Maisey laugh. I walked into the living room and saw Ellie had tackled Gavin onto the ground and was covering him in kisses.

"Ellie!!! Stop!!!" Gavin yelped, as he blocked his face from her tongue. I laughed and whistled for Ellie. Her ears perked up as she heard the noise and turned around.

"Hey, I'm going to go to the office and pay the fees this month, for the animals." I told them, as I squat down momentarily to pet Ellie.

"Please take her with! She's a madman!" Gavin grumbled, wiping dog spit off his face.

"She's still a puppy, love. She just needs training." I shrugged, standing back up. I pointed at Gavin and Ellie tackled him again, covering him in saliva as he shrieked. I grabbed my bag and quickly made my way out of my apartment, towards the front office.

The ladies at the front desk were very nice, they were both middle aged and both had greying hair. Their names were Tisha and Jesse. Tisha was a brunette, her hair greying in the middle, like a skunk strip, and Jesse was a blonde, and she had grey hairs everywhere. Small framed glasses sat upon Jesse's nose. I said hello as they welcomed me in.

"So I just bought two pets, and I was just coming in to pay the fee." I smiled at the ladies. Tisha made a noise and looked back to her computer. I raised an eyebrow and looked between the two.

"What type of pets?" Jesse asked.

"A dog and a cat." I smiled widely. I was excited to see Gavin so happy about getting a cat. He never shut up about Lloyd back home, who I had the pleasure of meeting while in England with him.

"What kinda dog?" Jesse smiled at me.

"A golden retriever german shepard mix. She's got black fur, instead of gold fur, so I'm sure she's mixed with more than just german shepard." I chuckled, as Tisha looked up at us.

"I used to help raise dogs back in Portland when I was younger." Tisha said.

"I raised kittens up until I was 16." I smiled widely, looking between the two.

"Well your payment is $160, every month." Tisha frowned.

"Okay, no big deal. I can pay it for the first month." I said, pulling out my wallet and handing her my card. She nodded and swiped it. I stayed and talked with them a bit longer, about how Gavin will probably spend more time with Smee than he will with mine. I said goodnight to the ladies and went back to my apartment.

Maisey was most likely in her room passed out, and Gavin was on the couch with Smee and Ellie. It seemed that the two animals were getting along already.

"You get it all done?" He asked, looking at me as I sat next to him.

"Yeah, it was $160. So you owe me a lot of sex." We laughed and I shook my head. "I'm kidding, you don't owe me anything." I smiled, kissing his cheek and rested my head on his shoulder.

Puppy Love {Gavin Free} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now