Gav and Meg Drama at E3

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Weeks had gone by and I still hadn't confronted Meg about the whole talking shit thing. I was over it, I didn't wanna deal with high school bullshit. But on the brightside, E3 was today and everyone was ecstatic. I shared a room with Barbara, which I didn't mind. Barbara was always a blast to be around. Geoff, Jack and Ryan all shared a room, Lindsay and Michael, Gavin and Meg, etc, etc.

I was overly excited to see Ray for the first time in a while. We had been texted back and forth for a week, trying to make plans but they were always cancelled because of my work schedule. But now that we were able to stay away from Texas and stay in Los Angeles for the weekend, we all had time to catch up with Ray.

I don't remember what all happened during E3. Everyone was hammered, I'm surprised we got out streams done and edited. Funhaus stayed at their office, sadly. I wanted to get to know them better. Elyse invited us to do an Open Haus with them when we were free and I jumped at the chance to be friends with Elyse.

Barbara and I were sitting in our hotel room, both very drunk. We were watching a scary movie, curled up on her bed, holding each other. There was a loud thud from the other side of the wall. I screamed and Barbara started laughing at me. I frowned and pushed her away from me. I turned down the tv to see what the noise was, and it happened again, but this time it was followed by mumbled yelling. Mumbled because of the alcohol I'd consumed or because of the wall. Meg and Gavin were in the room next to us.

"They've been arguing since we got here." I frowned, looking over at Barbara.

"Should we do something?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I, I don't know." I said, truthfully. If they kept fighting, Maybe they would break up, but I didn't wanna see Gavin upset. I lived with him, and never have seen him genuinely upset. Except for when he got his wisdom teeth removed. There was a slam and a couple seconds later, a knock at our door. I raised an eyebrow and walked towards the door with Barb. I looked through the peep hole and pressed my index finger to my mouth, indicating that Barb should be quiet. She nodded and 'zipped' her lips, I giggled softly.

"Guys, what the fuck, I know you're in there." Meg sighed, "Please let me in." She groaned. We stayed quiet and I looked through the peep hole again. I watch as Meg huffed, and stomped her foot.

Wow are we 12? I thought to myself. I watched as she knocked on the door again.

"Look, Gabi, I know we aren't really friends, but Barbara is my friend and I really need to talk to her, Please." She groaned, I could hear her getting irritated. I tried not to giggle as Barbara gave me a pleading look.

'I'm not letting her in.' I mouthed at barbara.

'Then I will!' She mouthed back. I stood in front of the door, staring at her. She grumbled and stomped off back to the bed.

"Meg! Get back here! Don't put all this on Gabi and Barb! It's none of they're business!" Gavin barked from the hall.

"Fuck you Gavin!" she said, trying our door handle. I groaned and opened the door, she stumbled inside and looked at me. I closed the door and pointed to Barb.

"Hey what's going on, girly?" Barb asked, looking at a teary eyed Meg.

"Gavin thinks I'm cheating on him!" She said, her voice broke and I rolled my eyes to myself. Meg was an actress, she knew how to fake her feelings. I didn't exactly want to hear any of her side of the story, so I walked inside the hall. I let my feet carry me to Gavin and Meg's room. I knocked on the door softly.

"Go away!" Gavin yelped from inside. I frowned and chewed on my lip, before knocking softly again. I heard a loud groan and the door flung out in front of me, showing a bright red Gavin. I smiled softly at him and he flicked me a smile.

"Can I come in?" I asked, Gavin's eyes wandered my body. I was standing in the hallway in long plaid pajama pants, and a halter top, that fit a little snug around my boobs. I was wearing Xray and Vav socks, only because they were the only pair I could find for some reason. I wore a cardigan over my halter top.

"Yeah." His voice croaked, I frowned slightly and he stepped aside and let me in. I walked over to the bed and sat down, covering myself with my cardigan.

"What's going on, Gav?" I asked, frowning slightly. He sighed and shook his head, pulling up a chair in front of me, and planting his butt in the seat. "You can tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone else." I said, resting my hand on the back of his hand.

"I was on twitter when Meg's phone buzzed. She left it on the bed while she showered and I may have read her texts. It was a text from this guy named Marcus, and from what I saw; Marcus never knew about me. They talked for months, Gabi. And on top of all that, she's been flirting with Ryan! Ryan's a fucking married man, Gabs! With Children!!" He said, in a higher pitched tone than his regular voice. His accent became very thick as he was talking.

"Were they like business texts?" I asked, cocking my head slightly to the side so I could see him, better. He sighed and shook his head.

"They fucking sent nudes to each other, Gabi!" He pulled his hand from mine and sat up. He got up and I grabbed his wrist, pulling him back onto the chair.

"Talk to me." I said, softly. I learned that if you talk to someone with a calm and soft voice, they will tell you what's wrong, eventually. They build up enough trust and they let it all out, and it feels so good, for both parties

"I, I-I just don't know, Gabi!" He stumbled over his own words. I frowned and shook my head.

"You do know, Gavin. What are you going to do about it when you see her again?" I asked, looking up at him. I slid my other hand underneath his chin, slowly lifting his head so he could see me.

"Break up with her." He blurted out and before he realized what he had said, he quickly covered his mouth like he could put it back in his mouth. I frowned, watching his realization wash over him. He pulled his head away from my hand and looked down at his hands again. 

"Gavin, you have to do what's right. If you think breaking up with her is the right thing to do, then it's okay. But if you think you two can talk through this and work things out, maybe then that's what will happen." I frowned. I hated Meg, I really did, but I liked Gavin, and him being with Meg, obviously made him happy. And I wanted him happy, just as I wanted everyone else happy. 

"You're right." He muttered. In a way, I wanted him to give up on her, so he would come back to me, but on the other hand, I knew he loved Meg. I knew he wanted to be with her. I sighed and kissed his head. 

"I'll be in my room, if you need me." I said, standing up. 

"No, please stay. I don't want to be alone." He muttered, grabbing my wrist and looking up at me with sad puppy dog eyes. I sighed and nodded, sitting back down to comfort my friend. He scooted the chair closer to the bed, and leaned his head in my lap. I played with his hair until I felt soft snores coming from him.

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