Persistant Michael

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Hi guys! Just a short A/N! I think I'll be finished this story pretty soon. We're coming up to 60 chapters here soon, but I think I'll stop somewhere between next chapter or chapter 55. there most definitely will be a sequel to this. There's just too many ideas i have but some day I gotta end this story! Anyways, thank you so much for all your reads. I appreciate it so much! keep voting and commenting! i love reading ur comments!
much love,

Michael's POV

"I wonder when that piece of shit is propose." I chuckled to Lindsay as we walked up to Gavin and Gabi's house. She chuckled and she knocked on the door.

We were stood there as the dogs barked before a shirtless, sweaty Gavin opened the door.

"Oh- hey guys." Gavin blushed and I started laughing. Lindsay started laughing and Gavin just tried shutting us up. "SHUT UP GUYS!!" He whined, pulling us inside.

"Were you two fucking?!" I laughed hysterically.

"Shut up Michael!!" Gavin became flustered and crossed his arms over his chest. There was a loud thud from their room and Gabi appeared, looking down at us from the balcony.

"LINDSAY!!" Gabi shouted, running down the stairs, giving my wife a big bear hug causing Lindsay to laugh. Gabi giggled and let go of her. Gavin huffed and furrowed his brow.

"What are you doing here?" He asked us, as Gabi snakes her arms through his. He moved them so she had more access. Gavin wasn't one for being touched a lot but when it came to Gabi, she could basically do anything, and it wouldn't bother him. He really loved her.

"We wanted to see if you guys wanted to hang out but it seems you're busy." I gestured to the two of them. Gabi blushed and Gavin rolled his eyes. She looked up at his and he looked at her.

"We can hang out." She spoke quietly. Her voice was kind of hoarse. Gavin nodded in agreement.

"No, no, no. Continue on with yourselves, we'll see you two later." Lindsay chuckled, she reached for the door handle and began walking out. I followed her and we got in the car. "I feel like we should've stayed, just to fuck with them." She giggled, buckling up.

"Nah, I spend a lot of time with them. They'll be okay." I chuckled, pulling out of their driveway. "I just want to know if he's ever gonna marry her, or be a dumbass in the same way he did with Meg." I shrugged.

"Don't let Gabi hear you." She chuckled, shaking her head. I smiled and drove back to our house. "I think he'll do it when he feels she's ready. Maybe she never will be." She shrugged, "He loves her, you can see it in his body language. She's his entire world. It's cute hearing about her when I'm editing videos, and Geoff threatening to murder Gavin if he hurts her again." She smiled, looking over at me. "The way she looks at him too, is incredible. I've never seen someone so infatuated with Gavin." I smiled back and nodded.

"I agree. Her past sucks, but she can't dwell on it forever. As much as I say I hate him, he's a good guy." I chuckled.

"We all know you love him." She poked my cheek. "Mavin." I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Mavin's over with now its like something weird." I chuckled. "Framsey. Which is weird cause that's Geoff's last name too." We both laughed.

"Our fans are just weird. In a good way." She smiled, as I pulled into our drive way.

"Oh I know, thinking Gavin and I are in love with each other," I shook my head, pulling the keys from the ignition. I heard Lindsay chuckle as she unlocked our door. I decided to text Gavin.

To Gavin 

When are you going to ask her to marry you??

He ended up not replying for a couple hours.

From Gavin

I dunno, boy. It's hard. I don't want to rush anything!

To Gavin 

She loves you, and you should respect her decision no matter the answer.

There was no reply again so I gave up on texting him. I set my phone down and went back to playing Bioshock.

Gabi's POV

"GAVIN! WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO DAMN LONG!" I whined. I was having really awful back pains, and I was incredibly nauseous as well.

"Sorry love!" He whined back as he walked into our room with some tea. Ellie growled at Gavin like she'd never seen her before and Gavin just waved her off. Monty really loved Gavin. And Gideon and Xena were always up my ass since I got Columbo for Gavin. He really loved his two cats, as did I.

He sat down next to me and rested a hand on my forehead.

"You're burning up Gabi!" He frowned, I frowned back, sitting up.

"I feel like I'm fucking dying." I groaned, running a hand through my incredibly messy hair.

"Love, you need to lay down." Gavin put his hand on my shoulder.

"How am I supposed to drink the tea?" I grumbled. My hormones were everywhere. One moment, I'd be pissed at Gavin, or I'd be crying over the animals being cute, or I would just lose control over my emotions over nothing, and I wasn't sure if it was because I had run out of my birth control or if I was just going crazy.

"Oh, that's right." He chuckled and handed me the tea. I grabbed it from him and sipped it. He laid his head in my lap as I played with his hair. He turned on the TV and looked up at me. "What do you wanna watch?" He asked me.

"The back of my eyelids." I chuckled, causing him to burst out into laughter. I shook my head and patted his head. "I don't care what we watch, babe. I'm down for anything." I smiled down at him once he calmed down. He nodded and turned his head back to the TV. He flipped through Netflix and settled on Zootopia. "Wow, do you want me to cry?" We laughed. 

"It's a cute movie, and I know you love it." He smiled up at me. 

"I'm going to try and get some sleep, you can watch whatever you'd like, Gav." I smiled down at him, he nodded and turned on Breaking Bad. Gavin sat up as I finished off my tea and got fully underneath the covers and let the soft murmurs of Breaking Bad lull me to sleep

Puppy Love {Gavin Free} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now