Moving Day

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"I'm gonna fucking kill you, Trevor!" I screamed at him, tackling him onto the ground. We were in the middle of filming an AHWU and Trevor had been annoying me for the past 2 hours while we were trying to film. Trevor didn't budge when I tackled him, causing me to groan. "God! I hate you!" I whined, looking up at him.

"Hey you can't hate me I'm too adorable!" Trevor laughed, and smiled at me, trying to charm me into not wanting to rip his head off.

"Dude I wouldn't fuck with her, Gavin says she's on her period!" Michael laughed, I grunted and threw the mic at Gavin and he shrieked when it hit him.

"Fuck you!!" I yelled, running towards him. He stood where he was and when I tackled him, he stumbled but picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. I went limp in his arms, causing him to stumble more.

"Love! You're heavy!!" He groaned.

"Sounds like you got yourself into this predicament." I shrugged as Trevor and Michael laughed at us.

"Wot?! I did no such thing! You're the one who tackled me!" Gavin retorted.

"OH FUCK YOU! Youre the one who picked me up!" I kicked my legs and whined. Geoff walked in, causing the whole room to stop.

"What the fuck is going on?" Geoff snorted.

"Gabi's on her period and can't control her anger. plus we need to finish decorating." Gavin stated.

"Fuck you." I grumbled. "I wanna finish this fucking video."

"Don't put her down. Do the rest of the video with her over your shoulder." Michael laughed.

"You break her, I'll break you." Geoff squinted his eyes towards Gavin. "And break any equipment with Gabi, and I'll still break you." Geoff walked to his desk. Gavin grabbed the mic and turned around so I could face the camera and finish the AHWU.

When we were done, I accidentally kicked my leg and it hit Gavin in the crotch. He groaned and fell onto the floor.

"Oh God!" Michael laughed. I got on my knees in front of Gavin and whined.

"Gavin, I'm sorry!" I ran my hands and through his hair. He groaned and rested his head on my shoulder. I kissed his head and hugged him.

"He's overplaying it." Geoff said, looking at us and chuckling. I shrugged, cause Gavin's head to move with my shoulder.

"Can we go home now?" Gavin whined, I giggled and nodded, looking up at Geoff.

"Yeah get outta here. Take tomorrow off too." Geoff smiled at me and I smiled back. Gavin and I got up, and I waited for Gavin to finish packing his things.

When he was done, we walked over to the animation department and I packed all my things. I heard the door shut and I turned around to look at Gavin.

"Again? Everyone's gonna hear us." I pouted, looking at him.

"Nah, just force of habit." He chuckled, I sighed with relief and finished packing my things. There was a knock on the door and Gavin opened it.

"Hey, are you busy right now?" Maggie asked.

"No, why?" I replied.

"I need your help. I need you to look something over real quick. It's for RWBY." Maggie smiled at me and I looked at Gavin. He nodded and we followed her to her desk. I looked over the designs with her.

I was recently promoted to manager, I guess you could say, or Head of the Animation Department. But Joel is, like, head honcho. I knew Monty would be proud of me, and I know Miles is, but he won't talk to me.

I missed Miles, I missed Kerry. They never talk to me since I got a promotion. I had put in my mind that maybe they were too busy to talk. I shot Jon a text.

To Jon

Already have guests for On The Spot next week?

From Jon

No, what's up?

To Jon

Well, Kerry and Miles both haven't talked to me so I was thinking Miles and I, Kerry and Barbara?

From Jon

Sounds like a plan! I'll text em to let them know!

To Jon

Youre the bestest!

We got in my car and I looked over at Gavin.

"You okay?" I asked him, starting the car.

"Yeah, that just really hurt." He chuckled and looked over at me. I leaned over and kissed his cheek and he smiled.

"I'm sorry, Gavvy." I pouted, at him, causing him to giggle. I raised an eyebrow. "Did you giggle?"

"I always giggle!" He pouted back at me. I squinted my eyes at him and nodded.

"Off to the magical land of IKEA." I laughed and drove off towards IKEA. I knew my car wasn't big enough and we'd probably have to use someone's SUV or something.

We got to IKEA and I convinced Gavin to not get a bed frame, which was a major win for me. We'd probably been there 6 hours when we finally purchased everything we wanted and the cashier told us everything would be delivered to the house within the week. We spent a fucking fortune, we took our silverware and plates to the house and set up our kitchen and dinning room.

All we had left was the front room, living room and the bedrooms. I left the guest bed with Maisey and took our mattress over here so Maisey could get comfortable being on her own.

When everything got delivered that week, Jordan, Cole, Maggie, Ryan, Trevor, Jeremy, Geoff, Ray, and Michael all came to help move stuff into our house. Maggie was there just to hang out with me and watch the guys struggle as I bossed them around.

I told them where to put the couches, the entertainment tables, Gavin and I's desks, computers, etc. The stairs were spiral so watching them take mattresses, desks and end tables up there was terrifying.

I offered everyone beers once everyone was done. Ryan, Ray and I were the only ones who didn't drink. I was sad Barbara and Mica couldn't come. We all stood around in the kitchen, talking and laughing with each other. Gavin disappeared and soon reappeared with his arms wrapped around my waist. I jumped and tensed up, until I realized it was Gavin.

"Sorry, love." He mumbled, kissing my shoulder. I smiled and continued talking with the guys.

"Why did you even try tackling me?" Trevor laughed as we talked about the latest AHWU that went up.

"You were fucking with me! And I was getting annoyed!" I grumbled and Gavin hugged me tighter.

"Hey, we all got early days tomorrow. Let's leave these two chuckleheads alone. Who knows what they're gonna do." Geoff laughed and I rolled my eyes. Everyone said their goodbyes and left. As soon as Maggie left, I got a text from her.

From Maggie

Use protection! Don't need you gettin knocked up ;)

I rolled my eyes and kissed Gavin on the cheek.

"Maisey's dropping Smee and Ellie off in a few. I'm going to take a shower." I smiled at him, and he nodded. I walked up the stairs, into our bedroom and turned on the shower.

For some reason, Maggie's words really stuck with me. Gavin and I never used protection, but I'm on birth control, so it's not gonna happen most likely. Oh fuck.

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