First Day

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My trial week had expired and I had decided to take the job. Geoff almost jumped out of his skin, and he immediately told Burnie, Gus and Matt. They almost did the same as Geoff. They congratulated me on the job. Geoff explained to me that I would be working in the animation department with Miles Luna, he was going to be my "mentor."

My alarm went off, waking me up. I groaned and got up, fixing the blinds so the natural light would filter through my small, dark room. I stretched as I looked outside the window. I smiled and tossed my long brown hair into a messy bun atop my head. I changed into one of Geoff's old shirts. I actually stole a ton of his old clothes, and he'd always take them back from me, and I'd just steal them back. 

It was a long tshirt on me, but probably fit Geoff well. I pulled on some high waist black jeans, and put on my two toned slip on vans. I grabbed my phone and walked to the bathroom. I pulled my hair out of the bun and let my mess of hair, fall around my shoulders and face. I pushed the hair out of my face and began brushing the knots from it. I hummed quietly as i brushed and I heard a gurgle of laughter as Gavin zoomed past the bathroom. 

I poked my head out of the door and saw a very, out of breath Geoff. 

"Whoa, are you okay?" I asked, walking over to my brother.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just out of shape." Geoff panted. He stood up straight. "HEY ASS FACE. GET HERE OR IM NOT TAKING YOU TO WORK!" Geoff yelled, towards Gavin's direction. We heard a yelp and soon Gavin was in front of us. 

"Give me two seconds!" I smiled at my brother. I quickly brushed my teeth, and my bag from my room, following them to Geoff's car. Gavin got in the back seat, and I climbed into the passenger seat. Geoff started the car and drove off to an apartment building and soon after we stopped, Ray began sprinting to the car. He got in beside Gavin and greeted us. 

The ride was full of silence. It wasn't awkward there was just not much to say. 

"So Gabi, where did you live before you moved in with Geoff?" Ray asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh, I lived with my best friend Maisey. We moved a lot." I said, I always used her as my cover up. I hope she didn't hate me for leaving her for my ex 6 years ago. She still reached out on holidays and my birthday. We never talked much, just said our hellos, and our goodbyes. 

"Oh, so you traveled?" Gavin asked. 

"You could say that." I smiled softly. Maisey and I did do a lot of traveling. I was never sober when it happened, so I only have pictures to remember them. As I said that, Geoff pulled into a spot and parked. 

"Alright, you two scumbags do what you need. Get outta my face." Geoff shooed the two boys away, the scrambled into the building. "I'm going to take you to meet Joel and Miles. They'll help you with everything." He smiled at me, I nodded and smiled back. We walked off towards another building, it was like a small mobile home. We walked up the ramp and Geoff opened the door. 

"Oh what's up Geoff!?" a short asain man spoke first. He smiled big up at Geoff. "Oh hey! Is this our new animator?" He said, getting up from his desk. 

"Yeah! It's my sister. I'll leave you to her. I've got to get back to the boys before they burn down the building." He kissed my head and walked off. I waved and watched as he left. It felt like he was dropping me off at my first day of school. 

"I'm Monty!" He held out his hand. I took it and smiled. 

"I'm Gabi." We shook hands. 

"Well, I'm not Miles, or Joel, but I do know where your desk is. So follow me." He said, he turned around and started walk toward, what I assumed was my desk. "We're currently working on a show called RWBY, it was my idea, but I'm not entirely going to take credit for it." He chuckled, he rounded a desk and patted the monitor. "Alright, this is where you sit. If you need anything never hesitate to ask. And if you'd like I can always help you with animating. I'm all self taught." He smiled widely, a small sparkle lit up in his eyes. He was passionate about what he did. I really liked that. 

I sat down at my desk and logged into my account. I sighed and watched as Monty walked away. I looked to my side to see a blonde guy looking at me. 

"Hi, I'm Jordan." He smiled, he was cute, but he seemed so shy. We were basically the same person.

"I'm Gabi." I smiled, i waved. "so what am I supposed to be doing?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. 

"Well, you should probably go talk to Joel. He's in that big office." He said, pointing to a door. I nodded and got up, leaving my stuff at my desk. I knocked on the door, someone unlocked the door and I was faced with a guy in a RWBY shirt. He had short hair and stubble littered his face. 

"You must be Gabi!" He smiled. 

"Yeah." I nodded.

"I'm Miles! Unfortunately, Joel had to leave and I was just finishing up some paperwork for him." He smiled, his smile was so cute. I grinned. 

"Okay, so, what am I to do?" I asked, looking up at my 'mentor.'

"Well, I assume you've met Monty, and have heard of RWBY so I want you to sit down with him and I and we can start working on your artistic skills. Geoff says your art is ridiculously good." Miles smiled, and I blushed. 

"Well, I think he's just saying that cause he's my brother." I shrugged and Miles chuckled. 

"Well, I want to take a look. Did you bring a sketch book?" He asked, and I nodded. I walked back over to my desk and took our my sketch book. Monty joined us over by my desk as we looked through my book. A lot of them had a dark meaning behind them. When I'd been fucked up for the past 10 years, I always took interest in drawing. Art was something I could express my feelings through daily. 

"You're actually really good." I heard Monty say, causing me to smile. 

"Are you self taught?" Miles asked. 

"I took art classes when I was little but in the past 10ish years, I've relied on art as a way to escape. I have a book dedicated to watercolors, oil paints, and strictly sketches. I have several that are all just human anatomy. I've worked the hardest on anatomy, because I thought I always sucked at it." I explained, looking up at the two. 

"You're ready to jump into RWBY already, man." Monty smiled. 

"I don't think I'm that good." I shrugged off his suggestion. 

"No, like seriously. You're fucking amazing at this." Miles gawked at my book. I blushed and shook my head. Monty set down my book and exchanged a look with Miles. They both nodded and looked at me. I raised an eyebrow at them. "Let's get you into animating things and we can definitely get you on the road to RWBY." Miles grinned, patting my shoulder. 

"You're more talented than you give yourself credit for. Don't ever stop. You're good at what you do." Monty gave me a reassuring smile. I think I would grow to love my art due to the support I've already been getting. Not just my brother likes my art, two big animators love it too. I hope everyone else does. Monty patted my head and walked back to his desk. 

"You can decorate your desk as you'd like. Kerry's gonna come back and get you started on some animation. I'll help tomorrow." Miles smiled down at me. I returned the smile and waiting for this Kerry. 

Soon, a short, fat, blonde boy sat next to me. 

"Hey! I'm Kerry!" He smiled widely at me. I smiled back.

"Gabi." I nodded, looking at him as he began setting shit up. 

"So, I'm here to show you the basics since Monty and Miles are both busy. It shouldn't take long if you're smart." He chuckled, I giggled at that comment. He began showing me the programs I'd be using, how to save, etc., etc. Kerry really had to work with me today. I knew what I was doing, I just wanted the reassurance that I was doing well. 

Around 6:30, my phone went off. 

From: Geoff

Hey, we're about to leave. meet us by the car! 

I read it and logged out of my computer. Miles was going to work with me some more tomorrow. I said my goodnights to everyone and walked over to Geoff's car. I climbed in the back, since Gavin was in the front. 

"How was your first day?" Geoff asked as he drove out of the parking lot. 

"I think I'll really enjoy working here." I smiled, more to myself than to Geoff.

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