Disneyland Plans

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"I'm going to go find my parents, and try and talk to them. I want to know why they gave me up." I told Barbara. We were sitting in her office, because I was bored, and didn't want to edit a video, so I visited Barbs. 

"Have you told Gavin?" She asked, looking at me through her bangs. 

"No, I was going to do it while he was away to England again. It would give me something to do instead of mope around the house and office." I stated, pushing hair behind my ear. 

"Yeah," She nodded, biting her lip. "In my opinion, it's dumb to go out on your own, but I think if you think this is what's best, than it is what's best. But if anyone touches you, I'll murder them." She said with a straight face, causing me to laugh. 

"Of course." I laughed, and there was a knock on the door. 

"Come in!" Barbara called, and Maisey opened the door. 

"Hey, have you see- oh there she is." Maisey smiled at me, but I didn't return it back.

"What's up?" I asked, looking up at my friend. 

"Trevor's looking for you." Her smile faded and I nodded, tapping Barbara's desk as a goodbye and walking towards the AH office. 

"Hey! She's here!" Trevor called, throwing his arms in the air causing Michael to shake his head. "We need you to fill in a spot for a Golf with Your Friends stream." He added, Gavin looked over at me and smiled, causing me to smile back. "You're gonna take Geoff's spot, cause I've taken Jack's." I nodded, and I sat at Geoff's desk, starting up the game. 

We streamed about 50 minutes of it, but got completely sidetracked and kept playing. Ryan's the one who made us realize how much time we had spent. Trevor and Jeremy had to film an On the Spot, Gavin and I had a Play Pals to film, since Michael had stepped out right after the Golf stream. 

Gavin and I filmed our Play Pals and I went back to, technically mine, since Gavin's never in here, our office. I sat down and spun around in my chair until a knock sounded on the door. I looked up and saw my beautiful blonde hair blue eyed friend standing in front of me. 

"What's up?" I asked, fiddling with my fingers. 

"I'm going to need you to help with next months rent, if that's okay. I haven't really been watching how much I spend on things, and fucked myself over." She frowned, looking down at her feet. I sighed and nodded. 

"That's fine, but please be more careful." I looked at my friend, she seemed small, pale and frail. Which wasn't odd, or anything. She just seemed, a little malnourished. "I hate to be this person, you know I do, but are you eating correctly?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her. She sighed loudly and closed the door after stepping inside the office. 

"Look, I think my ex is back, and it's scared my body into shock. I've hardly had anythin to eat and my body's slowly giving in on itself again." She frowned, petting her bottom lip out slightly. I always knew her ex was a load of shit. He never deserved her. 

"Do you want to stay with Gavin and I for a bit?" I asked, as she sat down in Gavin's chair. 

"You don't have to offer me your house." She frowned and looked down at her hands. 

"No, you always told me your place will always have room for me. Therefore, my place will always have a spot for you." I stated, looking at her. She nodded hesitantly and looked up at me. 

"Thank you." She gave me a small smile and I nodded, she got up and walked out. I missed hanging out with her when she lived with us. I never got to see her at work, but occasionally her and I would go out to dinner. But Jon took up most of her time, but I was happy for them. Gavin took up a lot of my time too. 

I finished editing an AHWU when my thoughts started going back to my birth parents. Why did they give me up? Could they not afford me? Did they just not want me? What if they kept me? Where would I be if they did keep me? Would I be the same person if I did still live with them? 

I got really into my thoughts when I noticed Gavin had entered and was sitting at his desk. I don't know if he had said anything but I just continued staring at my monitor. 

"Love?" I heard him say, and I jumped turning around to look at him. 

"Sorry, what?" I asked, looking at him. He seemed concerned, almost scared. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, running a hand through his hair. 

"Ye-yeah. Just thinking." I said, which was the truth. He nodded slowly. 

"Are you sure you don't want to come to England with me?" He asked, petting his bottom lip.

"No, I'll be fine." I pouted back at him. He chuckled and shook his head.

"You always say that, but you become a miserable wreck while I'm gone." He frowned, and I shook my head.

 "I'll be okay. Maisey's gonna be staying with me." I nodded, patting his knee. He nodded slowly, and slumped back in his chair.

"I'm gonna miss you." He pouted again, causing me to pout back. 

"You always miss me." I giggled.

"Well, duh. You're kinda my girlfriend and best friend, all in one. You're the whole package." Gavin laughed, shaking his head at his own joke. I giggled and nodded. 

"You're a dork." I smiled.

"Your dork." He added, causing me to laugh. 

"This was probably a horrible idea to give us the same office. Nothing's going to get done." I giggled, spinning around in my chair. 

"Except each other." He snickered. 

"Oh shut up. You wouldn't fuck anyone at work." I said, and paused. "You better not fuck anyone at work, except me." I glared at him. He threw his hands up in defense and shook his head. 

"I swear I'm not fucking anyone but you." He chuckled, shaking his head.

"Good." I pointed my finger at him, and began spinning around in my chair again. He laughed and shook his head. "When do you leave for England again?" I asked, stopping to look at him again.

"Next week." He said, looking at his monitor, and editing a GTA. I nodded and turned around in my chair, towards my monitor and started editing another video. Gavin used to never use his office, but now that I'm in here, Gavin is too. I don't mind the company, but sometimes I really need to get something done and he just doesn't shut the fuck up. 

My phone went off with a text from Michael. 

From Michael

Are you and Gavin doing anything for your two years?

To Michael

What? We've only been together for a 9 months??

From Michael

yeah sure. it's been a year and 9 months kiddo.

To Michael

Well even if I counted it like that, our anniversary isn't even coming up soon. 

From Michael

It'll come up before you know it. 

From Michael

What I'm trying to get at is, come to Disneyland with Lindsay and I.

To Michael 

uh, you don't fucking know how down I am for some Disneyland. 

From Michael

Good. Keep your calendars open. Make sure Gavin does too.

To Michael 


I'm fucking going to Disneyland with my favorite fucking people. That's always been something I dreamed of, especially with someone I was in love with. My life genuinely was becoming so fucking great, I couldn't thank Geoff enough for what he's done for me. 

Puppy Love {Gavin Free} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now