What's One Beer?

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i've noticed that my chapter titles don't really make sense to the chapters anymore and that's bc i'm entirely winging these chapter names AH rip ok bye much love -meg

"GET BACK HERE YOU BASTARD!" Trevor screamed as he chased me around the building. We were filming an AHWU (for the thousandth time) and I had taken the light saber he was playing with. I ran into the kitchen and saw Gavin.

"GAVIN!!!" I cried and he raised an eyebrow at me. I leaped over the chairs and hid behind Gavin.

"Where is she?!" Trevor gasped for air as he made his way into the kitchen.

"Where is who?" Gavin asked, raising an eyebrow again.

"Gabi!!" Trevor panted.

"I don't know a Gabi." Gavin scratched his head.

"You don't know the girl you've been dating for a year and 7 months?" Trevor's voice finally became normal.

"9 MONTHS YOU FUCK!" I screamed, looking over Gavin's shoulder, pointing the light saber at him.

"AHA! THERE YOU ARE!" Trevor pointed at me and began running at Gav and I.

"Oh shit." Gavin laughed as I screamed and booked it. I sprinted towards the front exit so I could make it back to the animation building. I'd go hide in Jon's office. I reached the exit and flung the door open. I sprinted towards the building and ran up the ramp. At that same time, Jon pulled into the parking lot. I mumbled curse words to myself and got into the space. I ran into Joel's office.

"Gabi?" He furrowed his brows at mw.

"No time to explain. Let me hide." I panted, he nodded and I crawled underneath his desk. I curled up into a ball and heard the door fling open.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" Trevor yelled. I knew he wasn't actually angry, Trevor and I were good friends, and fucked with each other a lot.

"Who?" Jordan asked.

"Gabi!" Trevor whined.

"Wasn't she doing an AHWU with you?" Gray asked.

"Yes! She stole my lightsaber!!" I could hear the pout in Trevors voice.

"Last I saw her she was with Miles in his office." Cole spoke up.

"No I think she's in her office." Patrick added.

"Try Barbara's office." Maggie chuckled.

"She might be sucking Gavin off somewhere." Kerry laughed, causing the rest of them to laugh. I rolled my eyes.

"Have you seen Gabi?" I heard Trevor's voice sound from behind me.

"Last I saw she was in Barbara's office." Joel shrugged. Trevor grumbled and stormed his way out of our building. I got out, thanking Joel and ran back to the AH office, where I finished my part of AHWU and sat in Gavin's chair til Trevor opened the door.

"Fuck you!" Trevor screeched as I stood up from Gavin's chair. I jumped and he tackled me onto the floor. I yelped as my body hit the ground and Trevor's weight crushing my tiny baby body.

"Trevor get your fat ass off me! You're crushing the baby!!!" I whined, trying to push him off me. As I said that, Gavin, Geoff and Ryan walked in.

"BABY?!" Gavin, and Geoff shrieked.

"WHAT BABY??" Gavin fell to his knees and crawled over to me. I blushed and shook my head.

"You're gonna hate me but I meant me." I frowned, looking up at Gavin. He looked defeated. We'd been trying to have a kid for about a month, and I'm sure that's not what he wanted to hear. "I'm sorry." I sat up after Trevor climbed off me. I tried to kiss Gavin's nose but he pulled away. He walked around me and sat in his chair, pulling on his headphones and opening up his editing software.

"Don't do that to us. Ever again." Geoff scolded me and I nodded.

"Tell Gavin that I apologize." I frowned, and walked out of the office, to my office. I walked into my office and saw Maggie sitting at my desk.

"What was all that about?" She asked, chuckling.

"Oh, nothing." I shrugged and she got up, so I could sit down.

"Cole, Jordan and I were thinking about going out for some drinks if you'd like to come." She smiled at me, I wanted to go but I knew that Gavin would want to talk when we got home. But I didn't want to deal with a potential argument.

"Okay. I'm down." I smiled at her and she nodded.

"Awesome! We're going when we're all done with work." She chirped and walked back to her desk.

From Gavin 

Can we talk when we get home?

To Gavin

Oh, I'm going out with Mags, Cole and Jordan :/

From Gavin 


To Gavin

We have the next week off to travel, we can talk then?

There was no reply and I sighed. I should have been more careful with my words. But I feel like I needed to let go a little, but I didn't drink, and they knew I didn't. But, I mean, one beer won't hurt? Right?

8 hours later
Gavin's POV

Gabi had left to go get drinks with her friends, and I knew they wouldn't let her drink. So, I trusted her.

There was a knock on the door, and I made sure the dogs were out in back before opening the door.

What stood before me, absolutely baffled me. Cole and Jordan had Gabi's arms wrapped around their necks, holding her up.

"I'm so sorry." Cole frowned.

"We didn't realize what would happen, she said she was fine to drink, and the next minute she was in the bathroom, vomiting. She passed out after hitting her head." Maggie sounded defeated. They knew Gabi didn't drink, and I knew exactly why. I stopped drinking so she wasn't alone. I sighed and moved as the two boys set her down on the couch.

"Thanks for bringing her home." I said, looking between the 3.

"You're not mad, are you?" Jordan played with his fingers. I shook my head.

"Not with you guys. Just disappointed in her. You guys should get home." I said, as they began walking out. I waved to them and shut the door. I put a blanket over Gabi's small frame, and let the dogs in. I walked up to our room and laid in bed.

I don't know how long I stayed awake, because soon I heard soft footsteps up the stairs and into our room.

"Gavin?" I heard Gabi speak. Her voice was weak, and broken, like she had been crying. I didn't say anything. "I know you're awake." She spoke again, there was a soft groan as the bed moved underneath her weight. I stayed silent. She groaned and laid back in the bed. There was a bunch of movement which meant she was probably getting underneath the covers. I continued to stare at the dark ceiling til there was a soft snoring beside me, signaling she was asleep.

I sat up, and checked my phone.

5:27 am

Our flight is in about 2 hours. Might as well stay up and finish packing.

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