Meg's Back

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4 months later 

I was sitting in Gavin's chair in the AH office, spinning around in his chair. Jack, Jeremy and Ryan were in the office working on some videos. I heard fast foot steps in the hallways, followed by angry screaming and howling. I raised an eyebrow as Michael and Gavin burst into the room. 

"Don't fucking break anything!" I barked at them. Oh god, I was turning into Geoff. Michael and Gavin looked at me, Michael's eyes had a hint of anger. I furrowed my brow at the two. 

"Gabrielle." Michael said, sternly. 

"Yes?" My gaze fell onto Michael. His expression softened when I made eye contact with him. 

"Meg's back." He said, as I raised an eyebrow.

"Okaaayyy?" I tilted my head, concerned in what he was trying to say. "What are you trying to tell me?" I looked over at Gavin who was trying to sneak out of the room. Instantly, a feeling of doubt clouded my head. I began to tear up, realizing what Michael was trying to tell me. 

"GAVIN YOU FUCKING GET BACK HERE NOW." Michael screamed at Gavin, who tensed up and turned around. His expression was sad, but he wouldn't look up at me or Michael. Jack and Ryan looked over at us. Jeremy had been staring as us 3 since Gavin barged in. 

"Gavin?" I said, softly, looking over at him. He glanced up at me and quickly looked down. "What does that mean?" I asked, getting out of my chair. That same moment, I got out of my chair, Ryan and Jack had gotten up, Ryan walking over to our side of the room. 

"Gavin! Fucking answer her! She deserves to know!" Michael barked, stepping closer to Gavin, who now was cowering where he stood. The boys stayed quiet but ready to jump into it, if the situation went bad.

"Well, I- uhm," Gavin swallowed hard, messing with the hem of his shirt. "I- uh, We've been seeing each other." Gavin looked up at me with sad eyes. My breath stopped, and my chest began to tighten. I stared at Gavin as I felt my body began to weaken underneath me. I'm guessing Ryan and Michael saw it, because as soon as my knees gave out, they were right there holding me up. 

"How long have you been seeing her?" I asked him, my blood beginning to boil, as I pushed the boys off me. I didn't want to be touched. 

"About a month.." He spoke softly, his head falling back so he could look at his hands, rather than me.

"When were you going to fucking tell me?" I barked, making him look up at me. At that moment, Geoff walked in. He crossed his arms over his chest and he looked between Gavin and I. 

"I didn't think it would come down to this! I just thought getting lunch once to make sure there were no hard feelings was just going to be a one time thing!" Gavin whined, looking up at me. I assumed he didn't see Geoff walking in. 

"What are you fucking talking about?" Geoff asked, he glared daggers at Gavin. Gavin yelped and matched Geoff's gaze. 

"Nothing." He muttered. 

"What the fuck did you do to Gabi?" Geoff's voice began getting angry. 

"Geoff!" I said, walking over to him. He looked down at me and I shook my head. "Leave it alone. It's nothing." I looked at Gavin, who met my gaze. "Doesn't matter anymore. I'm just a naive idiot, is all." I shrugged, walking out of the office. I sighed heavily and walked to Barbara's office. 

Geoff's POV

"Please Geoff, let me explain before you scream, and get mad!" Gavin pleaded. He seemed so defeated, but at this point, my blood was fucking boiling and I wanted to ring his little neck. 

"What is there to fucking explain?" I barked at him. 

"I was only just trying to be nice! It was only supposed to be one evening with Meg!" Gavin whined. 

"How long were you doing this?" I asked, sighing as I rubbed my beard. 

"About a month?" He said, weakly. 

"A MONTH?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME GAVIN?!" I started yelling, my blood was boiling and I'm pretty sure I was visibly fuming. "YOU WERE BEING NICE, MY FUCKING ASSHOLE. YOU FUCKING HURT GABI." I heard my voice crack and I shook my head. "Meg wants you to herself and the fact you couldn't fucking see that, over your fucking girlfriend, is complete bullshit. Who else fucking knew?" I said, balling my fists. 

"Michael found out today." he muttered, looking down at his feet.

"Get the fuck out of my office." I said, rubbing my beard again. Gavin looked up at me and gawked at me. 

"But- Wha- You can't do that!" Gavin protested. 

"I'm your fucking boss. I can do whatever the fuck I want." 

"But I love Gabrielle! You don't understand!" Gavin's voice began to crack. I stared at him as his face began to come into realization of what he just said. 

"You don't fucking love her. You wouldn't have gone out with Meg for an entire fucking month, if you loved her." Michael interrupted. I looked around the room and saw that I wasn't the only one obviously fuming at what was happening. Ryan was leaning against Michael's desk with his arms over his chest, I was hoping Ryan wouldn't go and kill Gavin. But at the same time, I wanted to kill Gavin.

"But I do love her! I was just trying to be nice, but Meg won't leave me alone!" Gavin whimpered.

"DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER IF YOU WERE TRYING TO BE NICE GAVIN. SHE FUCKING CHEATED ON YOU!" Michael screamed in Gavin's face. "THAT SHOULD BE YOUR NUMBER ONE MOTIVATOR TO NOT FUCKING GO AND BE BUTT BUDDIES WITH HER! YOU'RE A GOD DAMNED IDIOT!" Michael balled his fists, I bit my lip, walking towards the two boys. Michael and Gavin were best friends, and as much as I, myself, want to beat the shit out of Gavin, I wouldn't let Michael lay a hand on Gavin. 

"Michael!" Ryan barked, grabbing Michael by the arm and pulled him from Gavin. Seeing Gavin look so defeated, made me a little upset. I shook my head and opened the office door. 

"Go home, Gavin." I said, looking at the sandy haired boy. He looked up at me and opened his mouth to reply. "No. Get out of my fucking office." I spoke firmly, Gavin nodded and grabbed his phone, probably calling a cab. I closed the door and looked at the boys sitting around the office. 

Their faces wore a sorrow look on them. Michael sat at his desk, anger still coursing through his veins. I sighed. 

"Get back to work." I said, walking to my desk. 

Gabi's POV

"Gavin accused Meg of her cheating on HIM!" I tried to hold my tears back. "I feel so fucking stupid!" I choked. I was sitting in Barbara's office, but Jon was in here too. 

"Oh, Gabi." Barbara frowned, she had sat next to me in front of her desk so she could hold me, if I needed it. 

"You're not stupid Gabi." Jon spoke, "You are such a lovely person, and we all adore you so fucking much." He said, pushing his hair behind his ears. He was sitting on Barbara's desk, and resting a hand on my shoulder as Barbs held my hand.

"I just- I just don't know what to do." I frowned, squeezing Barbara's hand. 

"What do you feel you should do?" Jon asked, before Barbara could speak. 

"You need to do what you feel is right." She spoke, her voice was soft and comforting. She rubbed her thumb on the back on my hand. I sighed and nodded. 

"I think I'm going to sleep on it. Thank you guys." I said, looking up at my two best friends. They nodded and let go of me. I stood up and hugged them. I sent Geoff a text, telling him I was going back to my house. I clocked out and headed over to my car. I started it and drove off back to my house.

I felt like I was 16 all over again. I felt dirty, I felt broken. Gavin had fucking broken me. As I opened the door to my apartment, the waterworks started coming. My feet carried me to Gavin's liquor stash and spent the rest of the day, drinking my ass off to forget everything that'd happened two hours ago.

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