Filling in for Barbara

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time skip; two months later

Gabi's POV

I had woken up from my alarm, and the sunlight filtering in through my window. I yawned, stretching my arms and back. I swung my legs over my bed, my feet his the cold wooden floor. I winced at the cold and stood up. I let my hair let it do it's own thing today. 

I walked into the bathroom, across the hall and closed the door. I hummed quietly as I started the shower. I stripped out of my clothes and quickly jumped in the shower. I got out after about 15 minutes, and I rushed into my room to avoid eyes. I closed my door, changed into a sports bra and a pair of panties. I sat down at my vanity and began blow drying my hair. 

I stared at my reflection a bit, wondering if i should do a little makeup or not. I decided against it and just brushed my eyebrows. I hummed and grabbed a pair of highwaisted, like past my belly button, bell bottom jeans. I changed into a regular bra, and pulled an ugly striped crop top over my head. I tucked it in and pulled on my socks and shoes. I brushed my hair and finished blow drying it, since it was still a little wet. 

my hair was starting to come back to it's natural color of red orange. I sighed, and put my blow dryer down. I felt like dying my hair brown again would be more suited, but I didn't want to hide from myself anymore. I wanted to be Gabi. Not someone else. There was a knock at my door, pulling me out of my own head. 

"Coming!" I called, walking over to the door. I opened it and saw Gavin standing there. He smiled. 

"Morning Gabs." I rolled my eyes at that nickname. 

"Morning, what do you want?" I asked, looking him over. He was dressed in denim jeans, and a black roosterteeth shirt. His hair was tousled and his beard was growing out more. 

"Just letting you know we're leaving in about 5 minutes." He smiled at me, and I returned the smile. I nodded and grabbed my bag, walking downstairs after Gavin. I grabbed a banana off the counter, along with some coffee Griffon had made us. I poured it into a plastic cup with a lid and waited for Geoff to tell us we were leaving. Griffon kissed Geoff goodbye as we left. We climbed into his car, and despite it being a silent drive, it was nice. 

When we got there, I decided to visit Lindsay first. I leaned over her desk, sticking my butt out without realizing it. 

"Wow, hottie alert." we giggled and I shook my head, standing up. 

"I found these at goodwill a while ago. I think it suits my body, and hugs it in all the right places." I shrugged, spinning around slightly so she could get a 360 view. In the time that I'd been here Barbara and Lindsay had become my best friends. We were always hanging out whenever we could get the chance. We actually hosted The Know together a lot. 

"Your butt does look really nice in those jeans." she laughed, I giggled and blushed a bit. 

"I better get going. I've got to work on RWBY with Miles and Monty today. We're gonna need you in the recording studio at about 4:30." I said, smiling at her. 

"Aye aye!" She giggled, flashing me her pearly whites. I nodded and waved, as I walked to the annex. Miles and I spent a lot of time here, just sketching ideas with Monty. We were too busy talking about RWBY when Burnie tapped me on the shoulder and I about jumped out of my skin. He laughed and smiled down at me. 

"Can you fill in for Barbara during Recap?" He asked. 

"Yeah, sure. Where is she?" I asked, nodding, curious about my friend.

"She called in sick, but she said she'll be back tomorrow." He said, I nodded. 

"What time do you need me to fill in?" I asked.

"Right now, please." He gave me a smile. I nodded, getting up and setting my notebook down. 

"Give me like 45 minutes." I pouted to the two boys. They nodded and turned their heads back to their papers. I followed Burnie and stood in front of the camera. "What do I say?" I asked. 

"Just follow the prompter." Burnie smiled at me. I returned it and followed the scripts. I messed up my lines and we had to redo them, a multitude of times. I was getting irritated, I had shit to do with Miles and Monty, and had to show Geoff my ideas. After we were done, everyone thanked me and I walked back to the annex. 

"That was longer than 45 minutes." Miles looked up at me. I noticed Monty had left.

"Oh shut up." I chuckled, and sat back down. "Where did Monty go?" I asked, sitting on the end of the couch, pulling my legs up to my chest. 

"He went to go do some editing." Miles said, I nodded and we went back to drawing. 

Gavin's POV 

Geoff came into work at about 2:30. 

"How'd your date with Griffon go?" Jack asked.

"It went really well." He smiled widely and sat down at his desk. "You and Michael have a play pals to film." He turned to me.

"Alrighty." I said, nodding.

"What are we playing this week?" Michael asked. Geoff and I shrugged.

"Whatever you guys want." Geoff chuckled. Gabi walked in.

"Oh hey Geoff! You're back!" She smiled and walked over to Geoff, kneeling down by his desk. She was talking to him and showing him stuff off Miles sketch pad. I walked over to them, and peered over Geoff's shoulder.

"What are you doing Gav?" He asked me.

"I got curious, sorry." I started to walk back, when Gabi said my name.

"Gav, you can look at them with us." She chuckled and grinned at me. I felt a shock of electricity flow through me. I got a shiver and leaned over Geoff's shoulder. She was an amazing artist. She was pretty, funny, talented and just wow. I watched as she occasionally looked up at Geoff with this spark in her eyes. She was definitely passionate about her art. She stood up, and I stood upright.

"I'm gonna get some subway." She grabbed Geoff's keys. "And yes Geoff, I have my license on me. And no, I wont text and drive." Geoff went to open his mouth, "Nor will I eat and drive. I get it Geoff." she rolled her eyes and looked at me "Wanna come with?" She asked. I nodded and followed her out to Geoff's car.

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