Sleeping with Gav

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"Aye! If I'm going to stay the night, I'm going to need some clothes." Gavin looked at me and pouted. I giggled and nodded, changing direction over to Geoff's house. When we got there, I decided to stay in my car and wait for Gavin. I hummed along to the music playing and I looked up to see Gavin sprinting to my car. I giggled and watched him, and fortunately, I watched him trip.

I began laughing so hard, my stomach began to hurt. He opened the car door and whined.

"It wasn't that funny!!!" He moaned, climbing into the passenger seat. I continued giggling and he just huffed at me. "Love!!!" he groaned, throwing his head back, causing me to laugh more. "Gabi! It's not funny!!!!!!" he groaned and pulled my eyes (IM CRYING AT THIS TYPO) out of the ignition. I immediately stopped laughing and stared at him.

"Gavin give me my keys or you're not staying with me." I said, holding my hand out. He kissed me quickly and handed me my keys. I continued to stare at him as I turned my car back on. I backed out of Geoff's driveway and drove back towards my place.

When we got there, as soon as I unlocked my door, Gavin burst through the door and ran into my room. I heard a loud grunt and walked to my room, after closing and locking my door. Gavin had flopped onto my bed and was currently taking his pants off.

"Gavin!" I squeaked, covering my eyes. I heard Gavin laugh and he grabbed me by my arms and pulled me to him. He grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my face. I glanced up at him and he placed a small kiss on my nose. I smiled widely and lifted my head slightly. He cupped my face and planted a very shy kiss on my lips. I giggled softly, and he pulled away to look at me.

"What are you havin' a laugh about?" He pouted. I smiled and kissed his pout.

"Nothing, I just think these little kisses you're giving me are very cute." I snickered, he chuckled and kissed me again, I kissed back. "Gav, your pants are around your ankles." I said, giggling against his lips.

"Awe fuck!" He wheezed and kicked them off. He fell back into my bed and laughed. I watched him struggle with his pajama pants, and laughed as he fiddled around in his clothes.

"Gavin, what are you doing you fucking spaz?" I laughed, sitting on my bed next to him. He looked up at me and laughed. I raised an eyebrow and watched him as he sat up. He made eye contact with me and kept it. "Gavin," I pouted, avoiding his eye contact, because it always made me uncomfortable.

"Yes, love?" He responded. I looked up at him and got up. I walked over to my closet, opening it up and pulling off my shirt. I unhooked my bra and grabbed a long sleeved shirt, pulling it on. I hummed as I unbuckled my belt and pulled down my pants. I stepped out of my pants and tossed them in my laundry hamper. I heard a quiet shudder and I looked over at gavin, who had his camera faced me.

"Gavin, I swear to god." I groaned, he sat up and looked at me.

"No! You look cute! And your butt looks top!" He sniggered, I grabbed a pair of jeans and chucked them at him.

"Fuck you." I pouted and turned back around, I opened my dresser and grabbed a pair of pajama shorts. I felt his hands sneak around my waist, as I felt my body tense up as well. It immediately loosened up when I realized it was Gav. He planted kisses all the way from my shoulder up to my jawline. Goosebumps erupted all over my skin and I smiled widely. I grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it. I felt him smile against my skin and he pressed his lips to my cheek. I smiled wider and turned my head to look at him. He pulled away to look at me, and planted his lips on mine.

I kissed back, placing one of my hands on his cheek. He turned me around so my entire body was facing him. I placed my other hand on his other cheek, and he grabbed my hips, pulling me closer to him. He deepened the kiss as I snaked my hands into his hair. I pulled away and looked at him, smiling widely.

"Star Wars?" I giggled, he pouted and leaned in again. I pulled back a bit, avoiding his kiss. I knew what he wanted but I wasn't ready for it. He whined and looked at me.

"Can I stay in my knickers?" He asked, I giggled more and nodded.

"As long as I can stay in mine." I smiled, he nodded and pulled away, pulling off his shirt. He flopped down on my bed and covered himself in my blankets. I took off my shirt and bra, pulling on the shirt Gavin just took off.

"Aye! That's my shirt!" He pouted, I chuckled and shrugged.

"It doesn't have your name on it." I smiled innocently, walking over to my playstation and putting Star Wars in it. I grabbed the controller and turned it on, walking back over to my bed. I sat down next to Gavin and played the movie. "Do you want some popcorn?" I asked, looking over at him. He shook his head.

"No thank you, love." He smiled, and pursed his lips. I leaned over and planted a kiss on his lips. He smiled widely as I laid down, resting my head on his chest.

During half way through the movie, I heard a light snoring coming from Gavin. I sat up and frowned.

"Oh Gav," I pouted, getting up to get a glass of water. When I came back, Gavin was sprawled out all over my bed. "Dammit! I was gone 2 minutes!!" I grumbled to myself, I pushed Gavin as far as I could to get into my spot. He threw his arm over my chest, I looked over at him and he had his mouth wide open. I giggled and turned off my playstation and TV. I rolled over, so I was facing Gavin and shut my eyes.

Gavin continuously woke me up throughout the night, tossing and turning, throwing his limbs around, snoring too loud. HOLY FUCK! I was like two seconds away from fucking tying him to the bed. This is my bed, why do I have to be kicked out of it.

Around 3:20ish, I got sick and tired of Gavin thrashing around and went into my guest bedroom. Sleeping with Gavin is a fucking nightmare, every fucking time! I finally ended up passing out around 4, I was definitely not going into work tomorrow.

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