Butthole Surfers

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Gavin and I had been spending a lot of time together outside of work since my party. He spent the night at my place, almost as much as Barb did. I swear, they both thrive off me. Gavin and I hadn't gone out on any dates but Barbara NEVER quit talking about us being together. I love Barb, but god damn, she's got a mouth.

Speaking of Gavin, and Babs. Burnie, Gav, Barbara and I were going to film an On The Spot and of course, Jon paired Gavin and I up. We sat in the annex trying to figure out our team name when Jon texted us.

"Come to set!" I groaned as I read the message. It didn't help that I was sitting upside down on the couch when I sat up, I became light headed and whined.

"What's wrong, doll?" Gavin asked, holding out his hand for me to take it.

"Nothing, just light headed. Got up too fast." I smiled, looking up at him and taking his hand. He pulled me up and let go of my hand. I frowned slightly and took his hand again, intertwining our fingers together. Gavin squeezed my hand and began walking towards the set. We took our places on the right side of the set. He grabbed a beer and he handed me one. I declined his offer and he sat it next to him. Tyler got me a water and I thanked him.

"Do you two have team names?" Jon asked us, I shook my head and Gavin did as well. "Well, you gotta pick a name here pretty soon. I'll give you 15 minutes." he smiled at us. Gavin nodded and looked over at me. I glanced at Jon, who was weirdly staring at me. A smirk crept across his face and I looked over at Gavin.

I'm pretty sure everyone knew about Gav and I, but I don't really think it's anyones business. I also think everyone knows because of Barbara and Aaron. Those two really don't know how to keep secrets. Gavin ended up deciding on our team name, because unfortunately, I had no choice otherwise. He told the booth people that our team name was the butthole surfers.

We finished the show and I walked back over to join Miles in the fire escape to help with ideas for Camp Camp, and all that FUN ANIMATED SHIT (it's not fun.)

Gavin's POV

I watched Gabi leave the set and got up.

"When are you going to ask her out?" I heard Jon blurt out behind me. I jumped and looked at him.

"Whaddya mean?" I replied, damn well knowing what he's talking about.

"Gabi." He said, gesturing to her. "I see the way you look at her, you really like her, and you should go for it." He sighed. "Everyone knows you like her, and Geoff hasn't murdered you for sleeping with her yet."

"Whoa! Whoa, whoa." I stopped him, holding my hands up to him. "We haven't had sex yet, if that's what you're implying Jon!" I frowned, crossing my arms. "I don't want to ruin anything, or rush anything. She seems uninterested." I frowned more, looking down at my feet.

"Hey if she really wasn't interested, I don't think she would let you basically live with her, Gavin." I heard Geoff's voice from behind me, causing a noise to escape my mouth as Geoff chuckled. "She really does like you, you idiot. And I haven't murdered you yet because you're a good guy and I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt her." Geoff crossed his arms over his chest and stared at me. I swallowed hard and waved to them.

"I've got to get back to work." I mumbled, walking back towards my office. I didn't have anything to do really, I've gotten all my work done at Gabi's and no one had given me anything else to work on so I turned on my Xbox and played GTA.

Gabi's POV

I texted Gavin asking him if he was going to spend the night, tonight but he had never answered. I eventually shot Geoff a text and he never answered either. I assumed they were filming a Let's Play. I gathered all my shit and said goodnight to everyone.

I walked towards the AH office and heard screaming and yelling. I knocked on the door and snuck in, sitting on the couch behind Gavin, Michael and Jeremy's desks. They were just about finished with a minecraft video.

"GABI!!!!" I heard Geoff scream. I giggled and walked over to his desk. "Guys say hi to Gabi, my sister, she's made a surprise appearance." He said, into his mic. The boys all said hi, causing me to giggle and I said hi to the fans. I walked back over to the couch, and flopped on it, waiting for Gavin and Geoff to pack their shit. Gavin walked over to me, and sat next to my legs.

"Do you want me to spend the night?" he asked, looking down at me.

"You can if you want. I wanted to watch star wars, and eat some ice cream and you're more than welcome to join." I smiled, up at him.

"That'd be top!" He smiled back, widely, causing me to smile widely.

"OOOHH! Star Wars and Ice Cream at Gabi's! I'm in!" Michael laughed.

"Oh my god, I hate you!" I laughed, "You wish you were invited." I flipped Michael off and he laughed some more. They all turned off their Xbox when Gavin and I began heading out. I rummaged through my bag for my keys as we arrived at my car.

"Gabs?" He spoke softly, I looked up at him as I found my keys, unlocking my car doors.

"Yeah?" I answered, searching his face for an expression. But quickly, that was interrupted by him grabbing me by my face, and smashing his lips into mine. I didn't really know how to react, but as he tried to pull away, I grabbed his forearms and pulled him back. I kissed him back, pulling him closer to me, and wrapped my arms around his waist securely.

He pulled away and looked down at me, I blushed madly and covered my mouth with my hand and giggled softly. He whined and moved my hand, kissing me again. I giggled more, trying to kiss him back, but I was too giggly.

"Gabi! You're not supposed to have a laugh!" He pouted against my lips. I pouted back, looking up at him.

"Let's watch some Star Wars." I giggled, kissing his nose and moving to the drivers side of the car. I started the car as soon as he got in. I pulled out of the parking lot, and drove back to my apartment.

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