New Again

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four months later

Gavin's POV

I was working on editing a video in my office when a small knock sounded on my door.

"Come in!" I called, Gabi popped her head in and smiled softly at me. I returned the smile as she sat down. She was dressed in dark denim jeans, and she wore one of my shirts. I'd still wondered why she owned my clothes. Over the shirt, she wore a green flannel and she had ankle high boots. They'd always been my favorite shoes she'd owned. She pulled them off well.

"Hey." She spoke softly.

"What's up?" I asked, trying to examine her face.

"Uhm- I-" She started off. Her stutter had gotten worse, I'd noticed over the course of the past 8 or 9 months. "C-can we hang out this weekend?" She asked, looking up at me and meeting my gaze.

"What's going on this weekend?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I was invited to an old friends wedding, and I was just wondering if you'd like to come too?" She said, but it ended up more like a question. "I don't want to bring Barbara or Mica, or Miles for that matter." She chuckled, looking down at her hands again.

"Sure Gabi, I'd love to go." I smiled. I started to think we were never going to get back together but maybe this was an opportunity. "When is it and where?" I asked. I also had noticed she recently got a hair cut. she had bangs, and half her hair was tied up in a pony.

"It's in two weeks and it's in Georgia. I already purchased two plane tickets, Geoff was supposed to go with me, but bailed because they're going to something for Millie's school that day." She spoke again, looking up at me. I caught her gaze as I examined her body.

"That shouldn't be a problem, bird." I smiled at her, and she returned one.

"Cool. Thank you." she smiled small.

"No problem." I smiled back at her, and watched her leave. My feelings had completely come rushing back, and I was taken aback by them. I sighed and prepared myself for this roller coaster again.

time skip to Georgia 

Gabi and I had just gotten back from the wedding. I was dressed up in a light blue button up, and jeans. Gabi's hair had grown out a little more since two weeks ago when she'd asked me to come with her. She let us into our hotel room and I immediately loosened my tie.

Gabi's hair was curled nicely, falling a little past her shoulders. She was wearing a dress that hugged her chest and waist very nicely. It was about mid thigh length, showing off her muscular legs. The dress was just a plain maroon halter top, but she pulled it off so well. She pulled her hair up into a messy bun. She leaned over and took off her shoes, which were strappy maroon high heels. She immediately became 5 inches shorter.

I sat on the bed and watched her, she hummed as she undid all her jewelry and put it in her jewelry box. She turned around and looked up at me. She blushed and looked down at her hands.

"What?" She giggled, walking past me. I grabbed her wrist softly, pulling her back to me. I felt my stomach flip, and my heard thudded into my chest. She stood in front of me, blushing madly. I smiled at the sight of her like this.

"C-can I kiss you?" I asked, almost stopping myself. She blushed more and nodded. I nodded and cupped her face, kissing her. It felt like fireworks had literally exploded in my stomach, as cliche as that sounds. She deepened the kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck. I pulled her closer, trying to close any space between us that we had, which was none. I felt like my body was going to absorb hers if I tried pulling her any closer.

I snaked my hands around her waist, pressing my body against hers and she pressed against mine. She pulled away and looked up at me. I smiled, as a smile crept across her face.

"You're so beautiful." I mumbled, kissing her again. She kissed back, this time, a little bit more aggressively. Her hands reached for the buttons on my shirt, swiftly unbuttoning it. I deepened the kiss, grabbing her waist and pulling her against me. She rested her hands on my chest and pushed me back on the bed. I chuckled and looked at her, holding myself up with my elbows.

"Thanks Gav." She smiled and crawled on top of me, straddling my waist. I looked up at her, and rested my hands on her thighs. She looked down at me and leaned down, resting her hands by either side of my head. I chewed on my lip, looking up at her.

"Do you want to do this?" I asked, sliding my hands up into her dress. She nodded hesitantly. "if at anytime, you want to stop please let me know." I mumbled, she nodded again and kissed me. I kissed back and rolled us over, taking off my shirt and tie without breaking the kiss. Her hands wandered for my belt.

Her hands were cold and clammy. I knew if she was uncomfortable she would stop me, or herself. I was letting her lead, I guess you could say. I didn't want to do anything to scare her. She pulled off my belt in one swift motion. I was shocked at how fast she did that. I lifted up her dress past her waist, exposing her stomach as I kissed down her neck. She giggled and I pulled away to look at her.

"What's funny?" I asked, looking at her.

"Your beard hair tickles." She giggled, looking up at me with a big smile, causing me to smile. God dammit, I was falling for her all over again. It wasn't a bad thing, I just thought we would never happen again.

"Well, I'll make sure to shave it when we get home." I chuckled, kissing her again.

She tangled her hands in my hair, her delicate fingers wrapped around in my hair. She seemed so small underneath me, exposed like this. I thought I'd gotten to know every inch of her body before, but you really have no idea. You'll never know, really. A human body is always changing, always shedding off old, dead, skin.

I'd seen her undress before, and I'd seen her naked before, I mean I lived with her for almost a year. Her body wasn't something new to me. But it seemed like she had lost a ton of weight. Her rib cage was visible, and I knew she was ashamed of the scars covering her body. From herself or from others, it didn't matter to me. It's what makes her, her. It's what made her beautiful, to me.

Her collarbones had always been very visible, but they were just a bit more prominent. Maybe, it was because we were laying down, but I could've sworn, she wasn't this thin. Her hip bones stuck out very far, and that's when I started worrying that she wasn't eating correctly, but I wasn't going to bring that up in the middle of this.

I can't believe I'm thinking like this right now. I'm an idiot!

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