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I was unbelievably happy to be with Gavin again, and it seemed that everyone else was too.

When I'd gotten into the office with Gavin, I was immediately bombarded with tasks for today. I had to film more lines for Colorado, I had an On The Spot to film, I had a The Know, How To, RWBY lines, Things to Do, and I had to be on the RT Podcast.

My On The Spot team was Jordan and I, and Cole and Maggie, which means the entire animation club, and Gavin were in the audience.

Jordan and I won, and I moved onto a how to with Adam, since Joel didn't come in today.

Around 2, Gavin texted me.

From Gavvy 💙

brought you food! i know you're busy so i can bring it to you, if you'd like!

To Gavvy


From Gavvy 💙

On my way!!

I'd been sitting in my office, hiding from everyone for 30 minutes. I needed a break. I texted Geoff telling him I was going to have lunch w Gavin in my office for like 10 minutes, then I'll be over there.

From Nerd 

that's fine, i've got nothing else to do.

From Nerd 

oh and Trevor just left so can you fill in for him in AHWU?

To Nerd 

you all want me dead.

From Nerd 

oh yes. Very much so.

"I'm here with food, doll!" Gavin opened my office door, smiling widely.

"Oh my god, I love you!" I said, grabbing the box from him and opening it. "Oh fuck yeah!" Gavin had gotten me a burrito from Chipotle, and thank god, he remembered I didn't eat meat. I started shoving food in my mouth when Kerry knocked on my door. "NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed through a mouthful of food. Kerry and Gavin both laughed, and at the same time, Gavin's shudder went off.

"Oh bollocks!" Gavin exclaimed.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" I asked, glaring at him.

"Wot! No!" Gavin grinned mischievously.

"Gavin, I swear to god, I'll rip your dick off!" I squinted at him.

"Uh, no. I need that." He laughed, which made me smile. "And you like it too much." He mumbled.

"Oh fuck youuuuu!!!" I threw a pen at him.

"You'd like to!" Gavin stuck his tongue out at me. I mocked him and he whined.

"Get out of my office or I'll fight you." I squinted at him. He whined loudly and I pointed.

"But I love you." he whined louder.

"Love me from your office." I mockingly whined back at him. Then, I saw Miles chase Gavin out of the offices with a gold club. I laughed and finished my burrito, and went off to go film more videos.

In the AHWU, Gavin kept playing with my hair and messing around with me. He actually picked me up and that almost ended up in us falling into Jeremy's desk. Geoff screamed at us and we both ended up falling over each other, onto the floor. We laughed as the camera panned down to us. 

I was glad I decided not to wear a skirt to work today. It was winter, and Texan weather was crazy. I wore olive green jeans, with a plain black halter top, tucked into my jeans. I, also, was not wearing shoes. We finished the AHWU and I ran over to quickly do a How To with Adam. I went and ran lines with the RvB cast. I filmed a Things to Do with Matt and finally I found my way to the RT podcast. 

Puppy Love {Gavin Free} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now