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The AH office decided to make Gavin and I's office for the streaming room and I got to share a desk with Andy. I liked the AH office more than I liked the animation offices. Larry, Andy, Trevor, Matt and Mica were all great people to be around, but I already knew this considering Mica and I were very close. Trevor just hit on me all the time, because he knew Gavin wouldn't, or couldn't do anything about it.

The animation team never failed to make me smile, or forget that they exist. They would talk to me in our group chat and Maggie would try and guilt trip me to coming back to animating. Gavin would have a stroke if Maggie would bring up me coming back to the animation team. He really loved me being in Achievement Hunter. I think it was just because I was in a room over, instead of being across a parking lot.

I still hadn't gotten over my weird sick spell when Michael and Lindsay surprise visited, about a month ago. I was always eating like crazy, Gavin would run back and forth for me, even if I didn't really ask for something.

I was eating some udon noodles in the office, watching Mica, and Matt film a Things to Do. I was leaned up against Larry's desk. Gavin came barging in.

"GAAAABBBBRRRIIIIEEELLLLEEEEEE!!!" He shrieked, cause me to jump, and spill hot liquid all over my hands.

"OH FUCKING, ASS BALLS. GAVIN!" I turned to look at him, furrowing my brow at him. "What the fuck?!" I huffed at him.

"Oh, shit. I'm so sorry, bird!" He frowned, and I shook my head. He grabbed some paper towels from the streaming room and helped wipe up my hands from burning liquid. I sighed and Gavin kissed my hand. I smiled slightly and watched as he stood upright.

"Ew, go look at each other somewhere else." Mica giggled, resting her hands behind her head. I rolled my eyes and sat over at Andy's desk. Geoff was having Griffon make a desk for me, I was super excited.

"Fuck off Mica!" Gavin chirped, running over me and sitting on me. I groaned and pushed him off me.

"Please, no. I feel nauseous." I whined, as he stood up.

"It's almost been a month! We need to get you to the doctor, love." Gavin frowned down at me.

"Doctors are expensive." I pouted, holding my stomach. He chuckled and shook his head.

"I know, love. But you've been sick for almost a month, and it can't be a stomach flu." Gavin patted my knee and I shrugged.

"It probably is, babe. Don't worry." I gave him a reassuring smile. He sighed and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but you're seeing a doctor." He stood up, and walked out of the room, walking toward the office. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

Gavin's POV

"I don't know, Micool. I think she's really sick and she won't let me take her to the doctor." I sighed, spinning around in my chair.

"Hey, Lindsay was sick for a month before she found out she was pregnant. Have you been using protection?" He asked, raising his eyebrow at me. I chewed on my lip and looked down at my hands. "Are you pulling out?" He raised his other eyebrow, causing me to fiddle my thumbs. "Gavin!! You did not fucking get her pregnant..." He started, I glanced up to see he was staring at me. " Oh my god. You did. You fucking got her pregnant!" He stood up, running a hand through his hair.

"Micool! It might just be a stomach flu!!" I stood up, trying to pull his arms down.

"No, Gavin. It's not a fucking stomach flu. She's bitchy, and emotional and she's been throwing up only in the morning when she wakes up. She's eating far more than she normally does. She's fucking pregnant." He turned around to face me, and pointed to me.

"Geoff's going to murder me!!" I groaned, covering my face in my hands.

"You fucking think!!" Michael ran his hands through his hair again, leaving his fingers tangled in his hair. I closed my eyes and pulled my hands off my face. I ran towards the smaller Achievement Hunter office.

"Gabi. I'm taking you to the doctor, c'mon." I stated, holding my hand out for her. She nodded and grabbed her stuff, taking my hand once she reached it.

"What's going on?" She asked when we finally got to her car. I got in the passenger seat as she got in the drivers.

"I want to know what's wrong with you." I frowned, looking down at my hands. She nodded and started the car. She started driving towards the closest Urgent Care.

She signed herself in as I waited in the lobby with her. After what seemed like hours, they finally called her back into a room.

"So, Gabrielle, what seems to be the matter?" Her doctor asked. He was about middle aged, his hair was turning into a soft salt and pepper grey. It was slicked back and his chin was slightly covered in facial hair.

"I've been waking up nauseous for a couple weeks now, but I'm eating a lot more than I normally eat. I think the main reason is just, I've been either nauseous or throwing up every other day, and it's only in the morning." She shrugged. He nodded and wrote something down on his clipboard.

"I'm going to have a nurse come in and check up on you, okay?" He said, getting up. She shook her head but confusion ran over her face. She looked over at me and I shrugged, as he left.

"Why'd you bring me here?" She asked, swinging her legs.

"Just making sure you're okay." I chewed on my lip. So many things were flying through my mind. If she is pregnant, does that mean I'm going to HAVE to get married to her. It's not that I don't want to, I just am not a fan of marriage. I don't need a piece of paper to tell me who I love.

I got way lost into my thoughts when I realized the nurse came in with a monitor. She was in the middle of a conversation with Gabi, asking her to pull her shirt up, just past her belly. Gabi kept saying that there was no possibility she was pregnant. She'd been on birth control, etc. I wasn't sure how I was feeling. 

"Okay, it doesn't look like you are, but I'm going to need you to take some pee tests." The nurse smiled at us.

"Actually, no thanks. I'm not pregnant." She smiled back at the nurse. She seemed taken back by Gabi's sudden coldness. She nodded, and backed away. She grabbed the monitor, and rolled it out of the room. We found our way to the lobby and I payed for her 'check up.' "You don't think I'm pregnant do you?" She turned around to ask me, after we got to our car.

"Wha-?! I- I just wanted to make sure you were dying!!" I retorted, staring at her. Her hair whipped around her face due to the sudden gusts of wind hitting us.

"Gavin! There's no way I could be pregnant." She scoffed, and I nodded. o

Puppy Love {Gavin Free} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now