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Gavin had left for England and I was staying in a hotel in Mobile, Alabama. I'm surprised Gavin didn't realize I wasn't home when we talked on the way to my hotel.

Today was the day, I decided to drive to my biological parents house. I parked down the street and sat in my rental car for a good 30 minutes before forcing myself to get out of the car. My head was pounding as I walked up the steps to their door.

I sighed heavily and I knocked on the door. There wasn't an answer for about 30 seconds. A heavy set man opened the door. He had salt and pepper facial hair and was bald. I presumed this was my biological father.

"How can I help you?" He asked. His voice was deep and scary.

"H-hi. I'm Gabrielle. You and your wife gave me up for adoption 27 years ago, and I would just like to speak with you two." I stared at him. I was terrified. I wish I could run away, but I was too deep in this. I wish this was a dream, and I'd wake up with Gavin snuggled up next to me.

"Honey, who is it?" A feminine voice called, and slowly a short, small figured woman showed up. The man stared at me, his jaw was hanging off it's hinges.

"Kathy. This is our daughter." He stumbled over his words, pointing towards me.

"What?!" My biological mother's jaw dropped to the floor. "That's impossible!"

couple hours later

I was sat on Shane and Kathy's couch, staring at the two.

"Now that casualties are over. Why did you two give me up?" I asked, setting my water down on the coffee table.

"We couldn't afford you and I don't believe in abortions." Kathy spoke, sipping on her cup of coffee. I could tell she was a bitter old lady. She never wanted me, I could tell by the way she looked at me.

"Look, I know that's bullshit, coming from you. Why did you give me up?" I asked again, staring at Kathy.

"You know why? I didn't want you. You were a surprise and nobody was happy you were alive. Nobody was happy when we found out." She set her cup down. "I thought you would've gotten the idea by now, I'm sure you were stuck in that orphanage for years and years. We didn't even name you, that's how much we wanted you." My 'mother' spoke. I stared at her in disbelief as Shane just watched.

"Did you know addiction runs in your family?" I asked Shane. He shook his head. "Bullshit." I stated. This wasn't how I wanted this meeting to go. I was so heartbroken they didn't want me from the start. "Addiction runs heavily in your side of the family. I was unlucky enough to have gotten addicted to drugs because you assholes decided to have a fucking kid you didn't want. You just threw her in the garbage, knowing she'd be dead by 10, 18, or maybe 25. Trust me, I tried. Multiple fucking times." I stood up, knocking the coffee table slightly. "How fucking dare you bring a child you never wanted in this world. Wear a fucking condom." I growled, stomping my way out of the house and towards my car.

"Gabrielle!" I heard Shane call after me. I turned around and saw him standing in his driveway. He looked broken hearted, but I was just told nobody wanted me.

"What do you want?!" I barked, furrowing my brows at him.

"I'm sorry, your mother-"

"That fucking slag in there is not my mother and she NEVER will be." I heard my voice crack, and I knew I was about to break out into my Michael induced rage, or into my normal cry baby fits.

"Kathy didn't want you but I tried everything in my power to keep you. I was happy when we found out she was pregnant. I was overwhelmed. I was so happy to be a dad, but when she said she didn't want you, I tried so fucking hard to change her mind. I wanted my little girl. I think about you every fucking day. I really do, Gabi. And who you've grown up to be, I couldn't be more proud of someone. I know we don't know each other well, but I've always been proud of you, and I will respect your decision to walk away from Kathy, but please. Don't take this out of me. I did want you." He teared up, looking at me. His eyes were forlorn and he seemed almost scared.

"You don't know what I've been through for the past 11 years. God dammit! You're fucking genes ruined my life. I was hospitalized more times than I can count, I was hopped up on heroine, or coke or meth all the fucking time. These scars, they're because of you!" I showed him the scars on my arms. "That's because you two were so fucking irresponsible, thinking having a kid with your fucked up genetics would be the greatest idea ever. I'll fucking have you know that my fucking baby will probably have the worst fucking health problems because your dumbasses brought me into this fucking world!" I screamed at him. He stared at me and I felt my phone go off from a phone call. I let my phone ring and I stood there, staring at Shane.

"Y-you're pregnant?" He stuttered, his jaw dropping open once again. My anger seemed to have completely drained from my body, and confusion flooded it.

"I-I don't know..." I bit my lip, looking down at my feet.

"What do you mean?" He walked towards me.

"I don't know. I was told I was infertile but I haven't had my period in a month and I've been nauseous.... and I just don't know!" I said, looking up at him, my expression was absolutely petrified. I didn't know what I was saying. I wasn't pregnant. I was told I could never carry a child, and if I did it would be a special needs child if it lived past birth. "I- I need to get back home. I can't be here!" I looked back down at my feet. I ran to the car, starting it and driving off back to the hotel.

I can't be pregnant. Why would I say that? Am I mad? What's fucking wrong with you Gabi!!!

As soon as I got to my hotel, I immediately dialed Geoff's number and there was no answer. So I called Michael, no answer. Maisey, no answer. Barbara, no answer. My last resort was Gavin. I was hesitant on calling him. He had no idea I had left the state, and had just as much knowledge on me being pregnant that I did.

"Yes love?" He answered immediately.

"Long story short, I visited my biological parents and I got into one of my rage fits and I accidentally told Shane, my biological father, that I was having a kid? And I-" I facepalmed, waiting for Gavin to say something.

"Are you?" He said, after a long period of time.

"I- I don't know. The doctor said I'm infertile. I can't have kids." I ran a hand through my hair.

"I'm coming home early. We're finding this out." Gavin said before hanging up. I stared at my phone in disbelief. What the fuck?

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