Missing Out

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Jack had gone out of town and Geoff asked me to fill in for an AHWU, which meant I had to be around Gavin. We've been split up for 3 months now, nothing was really awkward anymore. I didn't consider Gavin a friend anymore, and I assumed he didn't think of me as a friend. I mean, I did break his heart or whatever.

I sat in the AH office on the couch, waiting for them to finish a Let's Play. I grabbed an extra chair and pulled it up to Gavin's desk, by habit. I sat down and watched as he played. The office seemed a little tensed up. They had finished when Gavin screamed the "LET'S STOP!" We filmed our AHWU and the entirety of the time I spoke, Gavin fucked around behind me. I tried not smiling or laughing whenever he did something, but I couldn't help it. We finished and I texted Mica and Jon to come meet me by my car. I walked over to my car, and was shortly joined by the two of them.

"What's going on Gabs?" Mica greeted me with a hug. I smiled and hugged back, giving Jon a hug as well.

"Wanna go grab some lunch? I'll drive!" I offered them. They both agreed and climbed into my car, after a brief fight of who gets shotgun. We drove to Chipotle and grabbed our food to go. We only got it to go because I was suddenly invited to an Off Topic. I had Mica drive back to the buildings while I ate. They thanked me for lunch and I walked off towards the set. Of course, I was late but that didn't bother anyone.

"Aye! Gabi's here!" Gavin greeted me, I pulled my chair up next to Gavin and Ryan.

"It's me!" I giggled and looked up at Ryan.

Over the course of two weeks, Gavin and I had been working nonstop with each other and I genuinely had no idea why. We had to do a RT Short and a million dollars but.. where we had to full on heavily make out.

I knocked on Matt's office door and Burnie opened the door.

"AHH! Just who I wanted to see!" Burnie smiled widely at me.

"What's going on?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Come in, have a seat." He opened the door and Gus, Geoff and Matt all sat in his office.

Oh fuck...

My brain immediately started racing. Was I about to get fired? Was my own brother going to fire me???

I walked in and sat next to Geoff. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"We know about you and Gavin, obviously. everyone knows." Geoff started. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Look, I don't know where this is going. My first thought was that you were going to fire me, and I completely understand if you want to. I won't fight it. But if this is about Gavin, I really don't want to hear about it. Sure, we're both miserable, but if it's meant to be, we'll be together again, eventually. I do love him, I really do. I just don't know if he's what I need right now." I explained, looking at them.

"That's not what this is about, Gabi." Gus spoke next, his tone was soft. I frowned and chewed on my lip.

"Meg's asked for her job back and we know you don't like her, and your word is just as important as Geoff's." Matt said, his arms were crossed over his chest and he was leaned back in his desk.

"We want to promote you to head of the animation department to work with Joel, for one. And two, we want your input on Meg coming back. And three, as your brother, I believe your best bet is to stay away from Gavin because it seems that Meg and him are back together, and I don't want you getting hurt." Geoff looked at me. When he said Meg and Gavin were back together, I immediately felt my body tense up, and I wanted to throw up. My blood boiled with anger and I started to shake. Geoff pulled me in for a hug and I pulled away.

"Fuck Meg, do whatever you want. She's obviously going to do whatever the fuck she wants." I stood up, and stormed out of the office. I ran out of the building off towards the animation department, but I collapsed by my car. I started throwing up everything I had just eaten. My body started shaking furiously.

"Gabi?" I heard the familiar voice of Gavin's and I wiped away the vomit and tears. I looked up at him and he raised an eyebrow. "What's happened?" He asked, his eyes were sad and I frowned. I couldn't talk to him.

"Food poisoning..." I murmured, turning my head away. I started sobbing and he pulled me into his lap. I didn't want him to see me like this, I didn't want him to be here, I wanted any one but him to hold me right now.

"Love, what's wrong?" Gavin tried consoling me once I had stopped sobbing. I shook my head. I tried getting up, but Gavin wouldn't let me. "You shouldn't stand up, Gabi." He spoke softly. I frowned and looked at him. I wanted to punch him. I wanted to punch myself! Why should I be mad at him! At least he's moved on! What am I doing dwelling on something that could possibly never happen again.

I looked over his shoulder and saw Geoff. I got up immediately and ran into my brothers arms. I felt like I was a little kid again, scraping my knees on the concrete, crying over a boy who pushed me. Geoff sighed and hugged me tightly. He stroked my head and kissed my head as I continued to sob. I felt another kiss on my head.

"I'm sorry." Gavin mumbled and walked off. I frowned and cried more. I'd never been this upset over someone. I pulled away from Geoff and wiped my eyes.

"W-why has everyone been putting us together in everything we've done if he's with Meg again?" I sniffled.

"We all want you back together. It was not my favorite plan ever, I didn't want this happening. But everyone thought it would work. The fans actually think you two are still together." Geoff frowned and pushed hair out of my face. "I know that isn't ideal in anyway, and if you want it to stop, please let me know." He smiled softly at me. I nodded and sighed.

"No, keep doing it." I said, wiping my eyes again. "I want Gavin to miss me." I spoke, looking into Geoff's eyes. "I don't want Meg to work for us again. I want Gavin to realize what he's fucking missing out on." I let out a sigh and nodded.

"That's my sister!" Geoff grinned and hugged me again. "Now let's go film a Let's Watch!" He threw his arm around me and walked me back inside. I groaned as I sat down behind Geoff. I rested my head on his shoulder and watched him open up Resident Evil 7.

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