A Suitable CEO

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  He's a man with a plan because he's a man in a suit.

Known for his charismatic ways and his enticing personality, Colt Parker is ready to take over his families business 'Parker With Sons', and by his side, passed down from his old man, is the employable and sensible Holly Moore.

One trip to Dubai changes everything, causing Colt and Holly to need each other as they fear for their lives and the company.

Can they climb out of the well they jumped into unscathed ?


What readers have said

"Right let me get straight to the point! I think I'm in love with this Holly character, she reminds me of everything I want to be!...second Colt sounds like a sex god! Dear me! But yeah...anyway I liked started reading this last night at exactly 1am and I finished it at about 3am..." Ms_G_xxx

"Omg!! This is one of the best books ever!!! I always look for a book that will draw me in and I like to read something interesting like this!! You are a great writer!! Keep writing for the love of all your fans!!" Emina2016

"I love the pace! And she is bright, intelligent, sweet and professional :)" Salix77

"Dude, I love this . Keep writing !!!"   jessica-n-t

"this is gooooddd!!!! can't wait for the next update" GohoburnGirl

"Seriously first book I really am enjoying in quie awhile aside from Sir Robs stories. Thank you thank you please keep writing :)" Salix77

 "Asdfghjkl can't wait for the next chapter! Loved it!"  ZarryLovesAlex

"So cutee ahhh i can imagine him pouting"  snowflakebliss

"I really love your writing. This is like the telling of an old story of how two people fell in love. Loveeee ittt"    CovertlyTwisted

"I wont them sooooo badly to be together :( ♥♥♥♥" Fireangelxxx

"love the book by thway it is so addictive." sasha21caylen

"Loved this book thank you for sharing your story"  

"can't stop reading!!!" stephykins90


"Justttt loveddd ur story!! Hoping for a sequel :*" gianchandani

"I almost cried when I got here. How can this be the last chapter already?" HungoverOwls


"They're going to end up together hue hue" xWINDSONG

"I really enjoyed this chapter. I love the teasing between the two "friends"."  Senrab

"Yaaaaay! Im feeling so loved! I really liked this chapter it shows exactly what happens when i am put in a bookstore" ForeverSummer7

"Your story enrapt me and I felt as though I was in the same room and under threat as well." Senrab

"Where can I find me a Colt? ;-)" _SimplyLiving14

"I Love how you continue each chapter where you left off on the previius one...makes it feel like you just ran out of paper and went on to the next instead of a new posted chapter..amazing how you keep tooned into what happened after time off from posting love it" gypsiroze

"Wattpad envy moment" HeidiLoco

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