Part 24:- (Drank Nandu)

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Nandini:- But why Manik? Veebha invited us by herself and now if we don't go then it will be so rude.

Manik:- Look Nandini, we have already faced a lot today just because of you. Please don't create more problems for me.

Nandini:- Like seriously Manik? You are blaming me for all those things? Okay, if you don't want to go then stay here but I am going to the party and I can handle my problems all alone. I don't need you.

Manik:- Okay go and if something bad happens don't call me. I am not in the mood for babysitting.

Nandini:- Ha ha ha. Very funny.

Nandini left there. Manik went to the bathroom, took a bath and came out.

Manik:- Nandini Murthy is the other name of trouble. I don't get it if she attracts problems or problems love her so much that they come to her automatically? Now she went to the party. God knows what problems she will create there. Oh shit I forgot to inform sweetheart that I am not coming today. She must be so worried for me. I have to call her immediately.

Manik took his phone and saw the phone battery was dead.

Manik:- Shit, I forgot to charge my phone. Now what to do?

He sat on the bed and watched weather reports on the television for sometime then he threw the remote on the bed and said,

Manik:- I am getting bored. Like seriously, how could she go to the party without me? I think before that troublemaker again makes any trouble I should go to the party.

Then Manik got ready and went to the party. When he was about to enter, a guard stopped him and said,

Guard:- Who are you? Are you invited here?

Manik:- Actually.....

Before he could say something, Veebha came there and hugged him tightly.

Veebha:- Manik, what a present surprise? I thought I will never meet you again.

Manik also hugged her back and said,

Manik:- Veebha, you here? When Nandini told me about you I thought she must be talking about someone else.

Veebha:- See Manik, this is called destiny. You believe it or not but it was destined that we will meet again. Anyways, please come inside. Nandini is waiting for you.

Manik:- She is waiting for me?

Veebha:- Yeah. Okay, I know that you guys had a nasty fight but it's valentine's day. Besides that, small small fights make our relationship stronger. So just forget about your fight and enjoy. I must say Manik, she loves you a lot. She knows that you will definitely come to the party and see you are here.

Manik:- (Surprised) Relationship........

Before Manik could complete Veebha dragged him inside and said,

Veebha:- Manik, I don't want to hear anything, you were very rude to her. So you have to say sorry to her first.

Veebha drugged him in front of Nandini and said,

Veebha:- Nandini, here is your culprit. Now say sorry to each other and finish this matter here only. I will join you later.

Saying this Veebha went away.

Nandini:- You didn't want to come to the party right? Then what are you doing here?

Manik:- It's my friend's party so I can come here whenever I want to.

Nandini:- She is your friend?

Manik:- Yeah. We are college friends.

Nandini:- Oh okay.

Manik:- Nandini, my phone's battery is dead. I need to call someone. Can I use your phone?

Nandini:- Yeah sure.

Manik took the phone and made a call. Nandini could hear one sided conversation and fluming in anger.

Manik:- Hello sweetheart it's Manik here. I know I have told you that I will be back today but unfortunately I missed the flight and because of bad weather all flights are canceled. So I had to stay here. I know it's valentine's day and I am really very sorry. Okay, love you. Bye.

Manik cut the call and gave the phone back to Nandini.

Nandini:- Manik, who is this sweetheart?

Manik:- My girlfriend.

Nandini's anger reached the highest level. She thought,

Nandini's pov:- Girlfriend? I was waiting for you for ten years and you moved on so easily. How could you? Finally you broke me, you broke my trust.

Nandini went to the bar counter and drank some glasses of alcohol. Manik immediately went to her and said,

Manik:- What are you doing, Nandini?

Nandini:- I am enjoying the party.

Manik:- This is not the way to enjoy it.

Nandini:- Yes you are right. It will be fun when I will dance on the floor.

Manik:- Nandini please stop it. You are drunk, let's go to the room.

Nandini:- No, I want to dance and who are you to stop me?

Manik:- Fine, do whatever you want.

Then Manik went to Veebha.

Veebha:- What happened, Manik?

Manik:- Nothing....

Veebha:- Okay meet my husband Harshad and Harshad, he is Manik Malhotra. My college friend.

Manik did a hand shake with him and said,

Manik:- Nice to meet you Harshad.

Harshad:- Same here. So you are the famous businessman Manik Malhotra right? I have heard a lot about you.

They started gossiping about their business and other things. After some time Nandini drew their attention towards her.

That's it for today. How's the update? Did you enjoy it? Please let me know your opinions by your comments and of course don't forget to vote.
Take care

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