Part 11:- (Monster Manik)

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Next morning

Everyone went shopping. Cabir was continuously noticing Aryaman's expressions and smiling.

Soha:- What happened, Bhai? Why are you laughing?

Cabir:- Soha, you have proved that you are my sister. Arya's reaction is worth watching.

Soha:- After all, I am your sister. How could I leave him this easily?

They both high fived and started laughing together. Everybody noticed them and admired their brother sister bond where Arya goare at Soha and thought,

Arya's pov:- This girl is such a witch. She just made my life hell. Because of her I got stuck here picking up their heavy bags and roaming around the whole shopping mall. Oh god I am getting bored of ladies shopping. I won't leave her. If I don't make her taste her own medicine then I will change my name.

Soha's pov:- Aww poor guy. He messed with the wrong girl. He thinks he is the cleverest here but I am not less than him. How dare he cancel my brother's honeymoon trip? Now pick up lots of heavy bags and roam around the whole shopping mall. Trust me if I don't make your life hell then I will change my name.

On the other hand

Manik was walking around the shops and talking with his pa over the phone. Then suddenly he saw a bracelet.

Manik's pov:- Nandini will definitely like this bracelet. But would she take this gift from me? Let's give it a try.

Manik went to the shop and bought that bracelet for Nandini.

Now it is 12pm. Girls did a lot of shopping and clicked pictures and some selfies to capture that moment. When they came out from the shopping mall three boys were standing there. They were gossiping about girls

Boy 1:- Yaar, that girl in the red dress is looking so hot.

Boy 2:- Exactly. Seems like God has made her very carefully.

Boy 3:- Yeah, just see her figure. I want her to warm my bed.

Manik heard their conversion and noticed that Nandini was wearing a red dress. That means they were talking about Nandini. Manik went there and started beating those boys black and blue.

Manik:- What did you say? That girl in the red dress is looking hot? You want her to warm your bed? You bastard, let me show you how to warm your body first.

Aryaman and Abhi were going to stop Manik but Cabir stopped them.

Cabir:- What are you doing guys? Manik is enough to handle them. Just enjoy the show.

Then suddenly the 2nd boy pulled out a knife from his pocket. Nandini saw it and shouted loudly,

Nandini:- Manik....

Manik looked at Nandini and before he could do something he got a cut on his hand. His hand started bleeding. But he didn't let those boys go. He again started beating them brutally. Cabir, Abhi and Aryaman immediately came there and Cabir held Manik from behind and started to drag him towards the car.

Cabir:- Manik, leave them otherwise they will die.

Manik:- They should die. How dare they abuse Nandini? I won't leave them.

Abhi:- Manik, let it be. You guys never repeat this again, understand?

At last Manik left them and came home.

At afternoon

Everyone was in the living room and was checking the decorations for Sangit.

Mukti:- Dhruv, have you seen Manik?

Dhruv:- Nope. After coming back he didn't come out of his room.

Aliya:- He didn't have his breakfast in the morning just because he woke up late and we were getting late for shopping. He didn't even come down to have lunch with us.

Mukti:- Manik never takes care of his health.

Cabir:- He doesn't have any girlfriend to take care of him na.

Mukti:- Cabir, I am serious.

Cabir:- I know you are serious but what to do? He is so stubborn. He won't listen to anyone until his anger cools down.

Nandini heard that conversation. She went to the kitchen, took some food on a plate and went to Manik's room. She knocked at the door twice but there was no response.
She was feeling hesitant to get in the room. But finally she got in the room. When she got in she saw Manik was coming out from the washroom in a green kurta.

Manik:- What are you doing here?

Nandini:- You didn't come down for lunch so I brought you lunch.

Manik:- I am not hungry.

Nandini:- What do you mean by you are not hungry? You didn't even have your breakfast in the morning. Come on, eat something otherwise.....

Manik:- otherwise what?

Nandini:- Otherwise I will think that you are still angry with me.

Manik:- What? Why would I get angry with you?

Nandini:- If I wouldn't have shouted then you would have got that cut on your hand.

Manik:- So you are feeling guilty, right?

Nandini:- Yes I am.

Manik:- Okay I will forgive you but only on a condition.

Nandini:- What condition?

Manik took out the bracelet from his pocket and forwarded it towards her.

Manik:- You have to accept this gift.

Nandini:- But Manik, how can I take it?

Manik:- If you don't take this gift then I won't forgive you. See my hand is still bleeding.

Nandini saw his hand and yes it was still bleeding but he was totally careless about it.

Nandini:- Okay I will accept this gift but first let me bandage your hand.

Manik:- Okay.

Nandini:- You know Manik, I thought you have changed. But I was wrong. You are still a kid.

Nandini was cleaning his wound with Dettol when he started shouting loudly,

Manik:- Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. Nandini, what are you doing? It's burning like hell.

He tried to pull his hand back but Nandini held it tightly and said,

Nandini:- It's Dettol, so it will burn a little.

Manik:- A little? Nandini you are literally killing me.

Nandini:- Monster Manik, stay quiet.

Manik:- You Witch, leave my hand.

Nandini:- Whom did you call a witch? Just wait and watch now.

Manik started to run and Nandini was running behind him.........

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Take care

Manan:- Hamari Adhuri KahaniWhere stories live. Discover now