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Baekhyun POV

How I wish our class won't end!!!! But as long as I wished the time stop it seems like it was getting faster than I imagine

I gaze at my crazy *not literally crazy* friends who was giving me a creepy smile as they also count down for the bell to ring

"Oh my gosssh ~ I can't wait! One more minute and we're finally going" My 'oh so noisy' friend silently squeal while gripping tightly on my arm

"Yah! Calm your ass down Jongdae" I slap his hand away from my arm and I start packing my things to my bag

"Dont tell me you're backing out? I'm telling you you won't like it, and besides it took you so long to turn eighteen years old, so we have to celebrate it even though it's been months since your birthday!"

I just rolled my eyes not wanting to argue more with his non stop ranting mouth

Guess what? I will be going on a bar for the first time, and as long as I don't want to...I can't do anything about it

These good friends of mine gave me three choices

"You won't come but you'll be treating us lunch the whole month" Kyungsoo said

"Or you can't come if you accept us not talking to you forever" Jongdae added

"Or you'll come with us and have a great time of your life" Jongin finalize

So what can I do, or you? What will you choose? I'm not rich to afford their one month lunch and I can't also afford not talking to their mouth ass forever, and so the best choice would be Jongin's offer

And unfortunately the bell start ringing and I cover my ears like it was the worst sound I've ever heard in my life

"Come on Baek! Jongin will drive us to our house then pick us up after we all fixed ourselves" Kyungsoo said and start pulling me like an innocent child in the park

"Jongin calm your penguin boyfriend down! I'm not going anywhere" I grip on Jongdae's arm while whining on Jongin

Yes Jongin and Kyungsoo was boyfriends since we were in high school till now that we're on college

"As if I don't know you Byun Baekhyun!" This little Satan spat and keeps dragging me until we reach his boyfriend's car

Well Kim Jongin was the richest among us, his family owns a big company of clothes and expensive furniture

Well you can't see it through his looks but Jongdae was rich too, his family own a factory of different kinds of chocolates

And for Kyungsoo, his family was quite rich too because his parents is owning two high class restaurant

But me? Byun Baekhyun, I can't say that I am rich though my parents can afford my tuition fee here, but that's because I'm the only child of them and they're both working their ass just to give our family a life


After dropping me off to my house, those three dorks, club loiters and good friend of mine drove away again

But before they could went away Kyungsoo shouted 'better be ready and quick rolling up your ugly face because we'll be back in thirty minutes'

I went in to our house, our house was just a two storey who have three bedrooms, one for mom and dad and one for me and the other was for someone who will sometimes visit here and deciding to sleep overnight

And just like everyday of coming home, our house was empty and nothing but a loud silence will welcome me

Don't get me wrong I don't hate my parents, honestly I salute them because despite of being tired of their because of their jobs they will still find some ways just to have some time for me

I rush up to my room and took a quick shower, after a refreshing shower, I went out from the bathroom naked since I'm all alone in here

I pull out random clothes from my closet and throwing it to my bed, I grab an underwear to wear before picking the best outfit for tonight

Out of all clothes I've thrown in my bed, the last clothes that was left was, a plain v neck white T-shirt and my 'oh so tight' royal blue ripped jeans that perfectly match my adidas shoes

After putting on my clothes, I face the mirror near my bed and grab my eye liner that I haven't used for a very long time

I apply a very thick amount around my eyes until I was contented and stare my reflection

"You're dead gorgeous Byun Baekhyun" I said to myself before walking to my closet again to grab some jacket since it's really cold outside tonight

"BYUN BAEKHYUN GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!! WERE LEAVING!" as I put my jacket on, a megaphone Jongdae yell from the outside

It's not even thirty minutes yet! But oh well I grab my phone and wallet and walk downstairs

I make sure that all doors in our house were lock before I finally went off

"What took-- Oh my God you gorgeous shit! Your eyeliner was on fleek!!" Kyungsoo exaggeratedly announced as he examined every inch of my face

"Now tell me who haven't gone in a bar yet! You look like a porn star you liar" Jongdae exclaims and starting examining me too

"Okay, I know I'm good looking!! But can we go now?" I lazily said and sweep them both away from me and walk towards Jongin's car

I took the sit at the back and being followed by Jongdae who sit beside me and Kyungsoo seating in front beside his boyfriend

"Nice look Baek!" Jongin smirk before starting the engine of the car

I wink at him only to be smack in the thigh by Kyungsoo who has a burning eyes now

"Calm down you son of Satan" I chuckle and rub the part he had smack, it really hurt tho

"One more glance Jongin and you'll be seeing your dick flying out of this car" Kyungsoo warned making us al laugh but except with that satansoo

"Calm down babe, you look more gorgeous, and even gorgeous when you're jealous" Jongin flirted making this midget penguin blush

I just chuckle and leans back crossing my arms and watch everything we passed by on the window

After I guess twenty minutes, the car finally stop in front of a huge bar, and I won't lie, the lightning of this place really attracts people's eyes and it's name 'EXCLUSIVE' got my interest

"You were really at the legal age now Byunie" I whisper to myself before following my friends who already went in the place




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