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Its just five in the morning when Chanyeol woke up and get ready for work. He carefully move to not wake the sleeping midget beside him. When successfully made it in the bathroom. He took a quick shower before picking a formal clothes to wear

When he's all settled at exactly six in the morning. He approach Baekhyun who was still snoring in his sleep. Smiling to the view, the taller leans down kiss the midget's left cheek before whispering "good morning babe. Time to wake up"

Moaning with a sleepy voice. Baekhyun turn to the other side not wanting to be disturb from his slumber

"Baekhyun-ah. Im going, I cant drive you to school today so take care okay. And you better wake up now. You still need to prepare for school"

Sitting on the edge of the bed. Chanyeol place his palm on the right waist of the midget to trap his husband under his arm

He leans forward and sweep the fringe of Baekhyun's hair that covers half of his eyes before staring at its sleeping face

"Baekhyun" he call as he kiss him on the lips

Baekhyun slowly open his eyes and glare at his husband "Do you want to die? Im still sleepy!" Baekhyun complain and closes his eyes again and pull the blanket from his thigh to cover his body up to his neck

Chanyeol just chuckle and didnt  get off his husband

"Give me a goodbye kiss babe" Chanyeol demanded with a bit whiny tone

Baekhyun open his eyes fast and look at Chanyeol again "what time is it? Why are you going so early?"

"Its already six Baekhyun. And I have an early meeting today so I cant be late"

Baekhyun just nod but pause for a while like something's not right for a moment

"Wait..." he place his hand on Chanyeol's nape as he still process something in his mind


"Who will take care of the kid? I'll be leaving for school too" Baekhyun ask in concern

"Dont worry Hani will take care of her" a confuse expression draw on the midget's face

"Who's Hani?" Bitterness can be heard on Baekhyun's words causing the taller to almost laugh

"You've been living here for more than a month but you still dont know our maid's name?"

Being enlighten. Baekhyun slowly nods and say "Well she never introduced herself"

Not to make the conversation longer. Chanyeol quickly leans down and invade the thin lips of his husband. With a slow and sure move of their lips that never fail to make Baekhyun's heart beat fast, they almost forgot that they still have some business to do until a soft knock pull them up from their deep passionate make out

"Dad" a small voice shout from outside taking Chanyeol back to his senses

"We'll continue this later hm? I love you" he gave Baekhyun a last peck before getting up and open the door for the little girl

"Good morning baby. How was your sleep?" He pick Sarang up to his arms

"Im hungry dad"

Baekhyun appear behind Chanyeol leaning his head on the taller's shoulder

"I need to go now. Just eat breakfast with Dad Baekhyun okay?" He gave a quick kiss to the child's cheek before placing it back down

He turn to Baekhyun and pat its head "Be nice to her. Im going now" and finally walk towards the stairs


Left alone with the child. Baekhyun sat across her in the dining table where their breakfast is waiting

Baekhyun start to reach for the plate of sausage to put some in his plate before reaching for the toasted bread without him noticing the hungry little girl in front of him

Once he was satisfied with the amount of food in his plate. Baekhyun stab the sausage with the fork and when he was about to put it in his mouth his eyes landed on Sarang who was just quietly staring at him

"Idiot" he mentally say when he realize that he forgot that the girl cant still reach for her own food

"What do you want to eat?" He ask as he place down the fork again and take care of he child first

"Egg and milk" Sarang pointed to the food she told and wait for Baekhyun to get it for her

When everything is already settled. Both of them eat quietly while Baekhyun lowkeyly glance on the child

He observe the angel like feature of Sarang. That he didnt noticed that the girl was already staring back at him

"Dad" she calls making Baekhyun hum fast as response

"Youre so pretty" though Baekhyun cant clearly recognized her words he knew that the girl chooses the right word to lighten up his mood

"Thank you. Sarang too is pretty"

The child just smile in return and continue eating when something push Baekhyun to dig in the girl's past though he's not sure if the he can get any sure answer from a three years old kid

"Sarang. Where is your mom?" The little girl continue her eating while she shook her head and swallow her food and answer

"I have no mom. But I have two dads, one is Daddy Chanyeol and two is you"

Moved and felt sympathy towards the little girl. Baekhyun move his seat back and get up to walk around the table heading towards the girl

"Come" he open his arms for the child which Sarang gladly accept by standing up to the chair and jump on Baekhyun's arms

"Since I have no important exam today. Sarang and Dad will go to kids cafe today. You like that?"

"Yes!!" Sarang excitedly shout as she hug Baekhyun on the neck

"Then lets go wash you first okay?"

Im thinking of making a bottom Chanyeol to my next story but not on a sexual way. What I mean is Chanyeol will be more sweety than Baekhyun. Is it okay?? Help meeee

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