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After slipping his self in his room, Baekhyun loudly stomp his feet and ruffle his hair "you fucking idiot, why did you agree! Oh my god! Byun Baekhyun your mom will kill you if he  found this out" he scolded to his self as he slam his body to the large mattress

"That giant's dick must be twitching for joy, arrrg! But you aggreed too you horny bitch and there's n--" his rants towards his self was cut off when his cellphone rings

He roll towards the side table to reach his cellphone, and when he saw the caller's name he quickly stumble out of the bed and stands in front of the window to get a better signal

"Kim Jongin! You stupid guy why did you made my Kyungsoo cry! You ungrateful son of a bitch" he said as soon as he swiped his phone to answer the call

"He cried again?" Jongin ask with full of concern, just adding up to Baekhyun's annoyance

"What do you expect? Kyungsoo will throw a party after you break up with him? How idiot you can be?"

Jongin openly accept all Baekhyun's words obviously knowing that it's his fault and summing up the fact that Kyungsoo's tears was the purest among them for he never cried for shallow reasons or if he's not really hurt or something

"I can explain, he didn't let me finish my words that's why he got it all wrong, and I'm calling you because I need your help Baekhyun"

"Help for what?" He ask setting aside the anger he's feeling towards his friend

"Can you come in our house tonight? I'll explain it here please?"

Before he could react or respond to Jongin's request he felt a strong long arms embracing his waist followed by a chin that leans over his shoulder making his whole body shivers

He didn't know how to react to Chanyeol, until Jongin call his name from the other line again that makes him pull back all his senses and lightly shove Chanyeol off him and face the taller who frowns by his sudden action

"Ah Jongin isn't your parents already sleeping now? It's rude if I wake them up if I go there now" He hesitantly reasoned sharing stares with Chanyeol who eventually slant his lips and raised his left brow after hearing Baekhyun's words

The taller widens his eyes and mouthed "you promised! You me on bed tonight!" And bluntly grab Baekhyun's member causing the smaller to jump back and mouthed back "I know! Calm your dick down"

"It's not a problem just call me when you're already here I'll fetch you outside"

"I'm really sorry Jongin, but I have some business to deal with tonight, I promise tomorrow I'll go there, I promise bye" he said and quickly ended the call as he was feeling Chanyeol's large hands making a dainty circles on his torso

"You really can't wait, can't you?" He lazily ask strongly pull out Chanyeol's hands off his skin,and the taller give him a questioning look before saying "what? Aren't we doing this? Don't tell me yo--" his ever pouty whiny lips was shut with a moist kiss from the smaller, a short but pure lip lock kiss that's enough for the taller to be more arouse

"We will, but answer my questions first"

"Questions again? Can't you just google it tomorrow or after I fuck you?" He complains following Baekhyun who went back to his bed sitting crossed legs and gesturing the taller to sit in front of him which Chanyeol wordlessly did

"If google can answer my questions I wont bother asking this, but it cant"

"Alright alright, what is it?"

"After this sex, will know leave? Like most guys do when they're done banging someone? Or will you push mr out of your house?" The smaller questions almost making Chanyeol burst into laughter

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