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When they arrived at Chanyeol's house they both went in to their own room after exchanging smiles to each other

Baekhyun close the door and quickly tear off his uniform off his body leaving only boxers on before slamming his body to the soft mattress with his phone on his hand

To: Jongin
Kkamjong! Chanyeol already agreed on you guys going here, just tell it to Kyung and Dae ~

He pressed send and throw his phone beside him to roll on his bed and ended up laying his chest and stomach with a blanket rolled around him like a burrito


Chanyeol on the other side has also changed his clothes into comfortable one before he proceed on checking his schedule on his phone for tomorrow

And just when he was about to touch his butt on the swivel chair a sudden knock make him pause and look at his closed door

"Hyung! Are you there?" His cousin's voice echoed behind the door followed by a multiple knock again

"Why are you here? What do you want!?" He yell as he finally sited his butt on the chair not minding to open his room's door because it was not locked anyway

Chanyeol hears the door creak indicating that it was being opened, and just a snap his cousin was standing beside him holding a pile of folders on his arms

"How can you leave these shits to me! It's your work not mine so here!" The younger flopped the papers down on Chanyeol's table with an loud thud "Yah! Oh Sehun it's your work to help me too! I cannot finish that alone!" He protested tapping on the papers in front of him

"I have works too hyung! I have already read the others so that was just like half of your supposed to be tons of work!" The younger again whines being frustrated on how Chanyeol almost put all his works on his shoulders

"Just pull out your lazy balls hyung, you can finish that in one night if you were just starting right now instead of whining like a kid!" Sehun scolded like a mom "I'm leaving now!" And walks towards the door again and open it widely only to be surprised by a petite young guy who was only wearing a boxer short standing in front of his cousin's door

"Wow..." Was the only thing he can mutter as his eyes landed on it's fair white skin and it's slight pink nipples that was purely exposed just right in front of him

Baekhyun who was also staring at the handsome and fine looking man in front of him, have his eyes focus on it's sharp jaw and prince looking face that he almost drool on its handsomeness

Baekhyun who was also staring at the handsome and fine looking man in front of him, have his eyes focus on it's sharp jaw and prince looking face that he almost drool on its handsomeness

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He was snap back to his senses when the guy had speak again asking "who are you?" In a careful tone not wanting to offend the midget by his question

"I am B--"

"he's my fiancé" a taller figure suddenly appears behind Sehun who interrupted the midget from telling his name

"Oh ~ that was so sudden hyung! Where did you meet this woman-like guy?" Sehun tease as he walks around the now conscious midget, examining his chubby yet slim body and behind was his perfect round pluffy butt, that was Sehun's forbidden to be seen because Chanyeol quickly pull Baekhyun away from his cousin and trapped the midget behind him to cover it's half naked body

"It's none of your business, leave now before I give you back those paper works" Chanyeol threatened only gaining a teaseful chuckle from his cousin before saying "I'm happy for you hyung, at least now you're not living in a mansion like house alone" before it finally waved to gesture goodbye and faded from the giant's sight

And the midget who was peeking behind the taller can't take his eyes off from the leaving handsome guy "what the hell is this Baekhyun" the first thing he said from Chanyeol that made him flinch and snapping out his focus

"What?" He innocently ask and about to get his way out from the taller's room but quickly pulled back by a strong hands and now he was being dragged into the bed and before he could even spill a word he was pushed down on the mattress and Chanyeol straddles over him, his hips was trapped between its long legs

"Who allow you to walk around my house with just a boxers on?" Chanyeol huskily ask leaning his face down leaving on inches away from the midget's face who was blankly staring back at his eyes

"No one, but I'm a guy so its not a big deal, unless I have big boobs like your maid" Baekhyun said shrugging his shoulders as he never wanted to sound like he was checking on Chanyeol's maid boobs, but really any one could be distracted by it's size though

"It's fine when we're alone, but not when another guy was inside my house, and were checking his boobs? I thought you were gay babe" Chanyeol whisper brushing his lips on the midget's jaw and back on its lips who was obviously moist because of lip balm

"I wasn't checking on her, her boobs was just really huge for a normal size, an--mff" he cannot say the next word for his lips was now captured by the giant who slowly nib his lower lips making him let out a soft moan as he felt a slight brush of humping on his lower part, he move his lips trying to follow the rhythm of Chanyeol's lips who passionately suck and lick his lips and needless to be asked he open his mouth to meet the taller's wet muscle who gladly fight with his tongue and ended with his tongue being suck by the taller as it soon enter his mouth to explore every corner of his wet cavern making him moan and needy for an air

He slightly push Chanyeol on the shoulder to part their swollen lips as he pants to catch his lost breath and weakly stare at the lustful eyes of the giant

"Take me..." An unexpected word came out from the midget's mouth that brings arousememt to Chanyeol

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