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The two went down on the dining area holding each other's hand that Chanyeol can feel the sweat on Baekhyun's palm each step they made closer to the area

And when they arrived in there Baekhyum grip tightly on Chanyeol's hand seeing no expression in both faces of Chanyeol parent

"Good evening, I'm Byun Baekhyun" he introduces and bow as a respect

"I see you're the fiancé of my son, please take a seat you two" Mr Park said pointing at the seats across them

The two quietly take their seat and start eating with the two elder, the whole place was quiet that only the sound from the coliding plates and utensils can be heard

Not until Mrs Park finally spoken "So, how did you two met?" She asked

Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol shuft their heads to look at each other, simply knowing that their first meeting was not good to be told to other person

Baekhyun bit his lower lip and furrow his eyebrows like saying think of other things to say to Chanyeol

But Chanyeol quickly turn his face away to face his waiting mom for them both to answer her question, the taller clear his throat and put down then utensil he's holding

"He wont tell it, wouldn't he?" The midget mumbles in his mind anticipating to what Chanyeol is going to say

"I met him at the bar" Chanyeol plainly and straightforwardly answer making his parent's eyes both widen in surprise and eye on Baekhyun who was nearly wishing to be eat by the ground

"But it doesn't mean he's a slut that I've just found and brought here" he continue and held Baekhyun's hand under the table locking each fingers with his

"I'm going to kill you asshole" Baekhyun says through his mind

"How can you convince us that he's not those sluts in the bar that only wanted was your money?" Mrs Park commented giving slight furious to Baekhyun's nerve and give the elder woman a stern look

"Because I know he's not mom, and besides he's a college students from a high class university"

Both Chanyeol's parents didn't talk back to argue and just heaved a deep sigh before continuing eating their foods

After a sumptuous yet bitter dinner the four settles on the living room, Baekhyun and Chanyeol sit at long sofa while Mr and Mrs Park on both separate sofas

Not even a minute of being there Mrs Park stands causing the other's to have the attentions to her

"May I speak to Baekhyun for a while?" She ask motioning to Baekhyun who hesitantly look at Chanyeol first who give him a slight nod before he stand up and follow the track of the lady that heads towards the mini garden near the pool area

Mrs Park sit to the available bench and Baekhyun quietly stands behind her waiting for her to speak

She looks back to Baekhyun which causes Baekhyun to flinch in surprise meeting the lady's eyes so close for the first time, he quickly avert his eyes to the other things around him and rock his feet back and fort that he usually do when he's nervous

Mrs Park smiles from the innocence of the younger "please sit here Baekhyun" she commanded tapping the space beside her

Baekhyun slowly steps around and timidly squats sit beside the intimidating lady who start to talk again saying "don't be nervous, I wont bite" she said half smiling

"Please don't think that I don't like you for Chanyeol, it's just that I'm afraid that everything from the past will happen again" she confesses and Baekhyun only listens thinking it's about Chanyeol's ex lover who cheats on him

"I don't know if he already told you about this but just making sure" Mrs Park continues making Baekhyun anticipate more and a slight curiosity filled him in "he almost died in committing suicide way back when we were living in our old house" Baekhyun's heart thump loudly in a sudden confession he found out

He gulp his dry throat and chooses not to talk and just continue listening to Mrs Park "he tied up his neck and hung his self inside his room when we were gone for a trip, luckily our maid saw him and quickly untied him there, after that I thought he will be fine, but the next thing he almost done was jumping off the roof, but fortunately I able to stop him" by right now Mrs Park eyes's was glittering by tears forming around her eyes

Baekhyun who was shocked and doesn't know what to feel about the things he found out move closer to the lady and caresses her back

"He did that all because of that girl he loves before, and now I'm afraid that it might happen again when you chooses to left him"

"Don't worry Mrs Park, I- I love Chanyeol, I wont let that happen again" Baekhyun spill out that half of him was telling him 'why did you said that' and half of him saying 'why does it feels right saying those words'

"It's better to be sure and I hope you're true to your words dear"

After the heart to heart talk between Baekhyun and Mrs Park, they both go back inside the house, Chanyeol and Mr Park was no longer in the living room so theu both head towards their rooms

Baekhyun take a shower and changed his clothes into a comfortable pajamas before diciding to sneak out off his room and tip toes towards Chanyeol's room

He walk in carefully trying not to make a single sound to wake the taller's up, he arrives besides Chanyeol's bed and stare at the tall sleeping figure innfront of him

"Funny how you look so strong and cheerful on the outside, but soft and fragile on the inside" the says in his mind while staring on the peaceful sleeping giant

And when he have enough of staring, instead of going back to his own room he crawls beside Chanyeol and snuggle his small frame beside him circling his short arms on its waist and tangling his legs to Chanyeol's

"Why are you here?" Baekhyun flinch on a sudden deep husky voice spoken near his ear

He looks up meeting Chanyeol's droopy eyes because of sleepiness "I want someone to hug" he reason out and snuggle himself more to Chanyeol's side

The giant didn't refuse, but instead move sideways to hug him back pulling him closer to his chest

"Chanyeol" the taller just hum in responce

"Tell the wedding organizers that everything they suggested was fine to me, as long as you're my groom" he announces making the giant smiles im victory

"Why so sudden? Have you finally fall in love with me mister?"

"You're still awake but you're already dreaming, tch"

"Whatever you say, anyway tell me everything you and my mom talks about tonight hm?"

"Not a chance" Baekhyun refuses burying his face on the crook of Chanyeol's neck

"Why?" He whines trying to pull Baekhyun out off the hug, but the smaller let out a fake snores so he chose to give up knowing he wont get any from the midget, He sigh deeply and just drift into a deep sleep

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