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Right after his class. Baekhyun went straight back to their house. Once he arrived at the main door, he hears his daughters small steps running towards his way

"Dad!" Sarang excitedly greet with her arms wide open ready to be carry by Baekhyun

Bending down to carry the little girl. Baekhyun smiles and kiss Sarang on the cheek

"How was my little girl?" Instead of answering. Sarang pouted and with just a snap an upset look flash in her face as she pointed towards the couch

Baekhyun followed his daughter's arm and there he saw a bag placed on the couch.

"Grandma said Sarang wont stay here anymore" she hugs Baekhyun neck and placed his chin on Baekhyun's shoulder "I dont want to leave Daddy. I dont want to go back to the orphanage"

Baekhyun felt pain touches his heart with the fading voice of the little girl as it continue to rest its head on his shoulder

"Daddy wont take you back there baby" he comforted and gently sway them both "Im giving you back to Chanyeol" he continue causing Sarang to raise her head and look at Baekhyun with a surprise and excited look

"We're going home!?" She ask with a high tone "You weren't in a fight with Dad anymore?"

Surprised by Sarang's question. Baekhyun walks towards the couch and place his daughter down

"Me and your dad are not in a fight baby. And yes we're going home so, wait here because Dad needs to change clothes first"

He left and went up stairs to change his clothes. After five minutes he return where Sarang is to pick up the luggage and holds his daughter's hand

"Lets go baby"


With heavy feet and unwanted feelings. Baekhyun take his step in the Park's territory with Sarang in his arms

He move his feet towards the main door. He need not to knock because just right before he could raise his hand to knock, the door opens and he was greeted by one of Chanyeol's maid

"Good evening sir,  Sir Park told me that just hand me his daughter and get your things from the pool area" as she was speaking she reached for the child and the bag

And without waiting for any words from Baekhyun. She closes the door again, so it means Baekhyun needs to pass on the side on the house to get to the pool area

Upset and hurt because he want to see his ex husband too. He just walk his feet to get his things and leave the mansion like house again

"At this time he should be home. He could have face me, instead of his maid. Dont he miss me?" He fume as he kick some rocks on his way

He stop on his track when his eyes catches four frames placed on an easel and some of his paintings file on the floor along with five big boxes which he guess his clothes,shoes and some things he left behind

Curious why four of his frames was still placed on the easel because it was back facing him. And so he steps nearer to his things and did not waste time to look from the front

Looking at the painting. Or just words rather written on the frames he draw a confuse look

On the first frame there's a word "No'" and on the second "More" and "Shotgun" on the next and "Marriage" on the last frame

"No more shotgun marriage?" He read with one of his eyebrows raising

"Remember the first time we met? It was unusual. Really unusual because in our first meeting, our first sex happened too" Baekhyun felt a sudden freeze embracing his feet by hearing the deep yet soothing voice of his ex lover

Shotgun Marriage [Chanbaek]Where stories live. Discover now