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After the long hour celebration the two newly wed couple settle on Chanyeol's bedroom still wearing their wedding attire. Chanyeol was on the bed leaning his back on the head board his laptop on his lap, searching for a nice place to held their honeymoon. While Baekhyun was on the couch placed beside the sliding door of the veranda, opening the gifts they received from the people who attended the wedding

Chanyeol throw a glance to the smaller who has a line drawn on his forehead while thinking of what gift he will open next. The giant chuckles before returning his eyes to his laptop again

"Baekhyun-ah, since we only have two says one night. I think jeju island was the best choice" he announce still searching of hotel reservation with a nice over looking view

"Jeju? Its far Chanyeol can we just go to Nami island instead? Its just thirty minutes away from here" the midget demand finally found the gift that Kyungsoo and Jongin gave them

"Its just hour away from here if we ride a plane and nami island was too crowded since its nearest in Seoul people tend to--"

"Okay okay, whatever you want" Baekhyun interjected waving his hand to shut Chanyeol up and focus on the gift he's opening

And when he finally ripped the gift wrap he was greeted by a folded red paper paste on a rectangular box

He unfold the paper and read the letter that was obviously written by Kyungsoo base on its good writing

"Since we know how two people's hormones work in a one hotel room with one king size bed and a dim light, here the most useful thing you can ever use. Just small amount was enough and it's the most expensive brand so be grateful ~ congratulations Mr&Mr Park!"

After reading the letter Baekhyun secretly glance on his husband just to see if the taller was looking at him, but it was still facing his laptop. So he carefully turn back facing the taller before opening the said box

And his instinct never fail him, it was just what he expected from the couple who fuck almost everyday of their lives

Its a two bottle of lubricant along with a boxes of condoms that has a note "condoms are just alternative" that he's not sure what they meant about it

"Baekhyun" the midget almost throw the box away from him when Chanyeol's deep voice call him. He quickly close the box and set it aside to look on his shoulder


"What's inside the gift?" Chanyeol put the laptop down beside him and crawl to the footside of the bed to get near to Baekhyun

"J-just...just some stuffs that I-I ask Kyungsoo to b-buy me"

"Let me see. Its mine too since its for the both of us!"

Chanyeol get up from bed and make his way to the couch sitting beside Beakhyun who was keeping the box closed beside him

"Come on let me see" Chanyeol reach for the box and the smaller pressed his chest on it like hugging it to prevent Chanyeol on getting it

"Its mine, and you don't need to see it!" He whines shoving the large hands of Chanyeol

Chanyeol was not bother by Baekhyun's protection to the box cause he can easily lift the midget up if he like, he just like to tease the smaller

And when Baekhyun grab the box up to his chest and hugs it trying to get away from Chanyeol, the taller grab him on waist and flip him back pressing against the couch. Chanyeol quickly hover the smaller who stops struggling to be freed, slowly with a firm eye contact. Chanyeol leans down which make Baekhyun to close his eyes

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