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For those who's asking, yes I'm from Philippines 😊 and I'm an EXO SPAZZER too ~


Baekhyun pull out from the hug and give Chanyeol a look before forming his lips into a smirk

"It's like you already admit that you like me with that question babe" he says crossing his arm

Chanyeol groans and walk pass Baekhyun to go near the kitchen counter and leans back there before crossing his arms too, Baekhyun follow his track and stands right in front of him

"Let's say, yes, I do like you but I'm not in love with you, will you admit that you like me too?" The taller said looking down to the midget

Baekhyun shrugged before saying "I don't know if I already like you, because you see, I have liked someone before and I can't find those feelings I have felt with him before with you" he prankly stated furrowing his brows like he was pointing out a important details

"That's because it's not even a month after you moved in here idiot" Chanyeol defended, he feel a bit disappointment that for the first time in his life someone doesn't fall easily to his charm

"Even so, but you see you're a famous person so I've known you longer but even a bit, yes, even a bit I didn't fall for you unlike with the previews guys I liked"

Chanyeol felt so small and irritated sum up with the insecurities he felt when Baekhyun mentions about liking other guys rather than him

He create a poker face before stepping forward ready to walk off, but says "then marry those guys instead" before he finally walk pass Baekhyun

"But none of them attracts me like you do" Baekhyun quickly says following the now annoyed giant who didn't even stop until they reached the stairs and Baekhyun stops following Chanyeol who keep his track heading to his room

"Tch! He really don't known how to play cool" he hissed

"Baekhyun!" The midget spun around only to see his friends who was making each other jealous a while ago but now holding each other's hand like nothing happen

"Oh Kyung, Jongin you're still here, I thought you already left" he walk towards the two

"Yeah, but we won't stay longer, it's getting late we better leave now" Jongin dismissively say

"Is that so, okay I'll walk you out"

After bidding their goodbyes, Baekhyun headed to his own room flapping his self to the soft mattress feeling his bone crack in relieve and making him sigh feeling his body relax after a long tiring day

Just when he was about to close his eyes, a tic toc on his window pane makes him look at the dark sky that starts to cry a thousand droplets along with a striking lightning that illuminates inside his dim room, making him flinch in surprise and remembering how a lightning almost strikes in him and end his life during his childhood day makes his heart beat abnormally and sweat seeing a lightning appears in the mad night sky

He quickly pull his thick blanket and spread all over himself, but it's not enough cover for him not to her the never ending sounds of thunder echoing inside his wide room, he cover his ears but he can't make him self drift to sleep to ignore the fright he was feeling

He didn't even noticed that someone already walk in his room, and he almost jump in surprise when the blanket was took off from his body

"Baek I was ask--" Chanyeol pause from his words when he saw how fearful and trembling on it's place

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