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Arriving at school. Baekhyun walk in silence while his eyes was roaming around the hallway, trying to find his bestfriends. Especially Kyungsoo who have some business to deal with him

Since he couldnt sight any of them. He just walk straight in their classroom where he found Jongdae already in his place, giggling while reading something in his cellphone

With narrowed eyes. Baekhyun stomp his feet towards the whiny male who quickly noticed his presence

"Where were you!? I thought you said last night that you will wait for me outside the school!" Baekhyun complained tapping Jongdae's table

"Oh! Yeah I forgot! I accompanied my boyfriend to his part time job" Jongdae explain and raise his hand saying "Im sorry" with an insincere tone

The midget just heave a sigh and roll his eyes before walking towards his seat. Not a minute, he leans on Jongdae's side

"Have you seen Kyungsoo?" He ask poking his bestfriend's arm

"Nope. Why?"

"I just...ah never mind" he leans back to his seat again making the other male to give him a questioning look which he didnt noticed

After some class. The two males head to the cafeteria to meet the couples in their usual place

Baekhyun head first with a large steps leaving Jongdae behind. And when he saw Kyungsoo alone in the table with Jongin on the order line. He drag his short limbs towards the table and quickly take the seat beside Kyungsoo

"Where is it?" Was the first approach that he did startling the doe eyed who almost slap his face

"Yah! Dont ever do that again!"

"Im sorry. But where is it?"

Kyungsok gave him a confused look with brow raised

"Where is what?"

"The papers! Did you bring it?"

And thats when Kyungsoo 'oh' and grab his bag beside him. When he slip his hand inside his bag Jongdae arrives making the two look at each other like sending "later?" Message with their eyes which did not slip on Jongdae's sight

"You two, what is it?" Jongdae ask pointing to the both of them

"Nothing!" They answer in chorus just making them both seems more obvious in hiding something

Jongdae narrowed his eyes and cross his arms against his chest while slowly taking the seat in front of Baekhyun and Kyungsoo making both of the male create a anxious move


"You what!? Baekhyun are you dumb!" As loud as megaphone. Jongdae's voice echoes in the cafeteria and gaining some attention from few students that were around them

Well, in the end Kyungsoo decided to spill the hot news out to escape the never ending 'I cant believe you two hide a secret from your bestfriend' of Jongdae and of course Jongin already knew about this for he helped Kyungsoo fixing this for Baekhyun to make it easier with a lot of connection they have

"Why? Whats wrong with that?" The midget puckered his lips out and stick his eyes on the table

"Yeah, whats wrong with that? If it makes him happy then why not?" Jongin interjected while chewing his food

"But its too early for that and even more that you two only got married months ago? And did you even talk to Chanyeol before deciding. Baekh--"

A large amount of noodles from Kyungsoo was stuff inside the whiny male's mouth cutting his rant

"Its his life. And have you heard him? He's not happy anymore so shut up and just eat" Kyungsoo nonchalantly state

"Its not that Im not happy anymore. Its just...I want something new"

"Whatever. Im telling you Baekhyun talk to Chanyeol first"


After their classes Baekhyun chose to stay in the waiting are outside their school for a minute or more just to stare at the papers Kyungsoo handed him

"How will I tell him..." he ask his self

Heaving a deep sigh. He place the papers back to the brown envelope and lay it on his lap. The midget then again sigh and find staring at the floor more interesting than going home to a large empty house

"Should I said it to him through texting? Call? Or shou--" he paused "yeah. Thats right I will just wait for him so that I could explain and make him sign this paper too"

Satisfied with his own answer. He form a forced smile in his face and held the envelope from his lap and stand up ready to walk to the bus stop

"I bet you already missed the bus need a ride?" A sudden deep familiar voice make Baekhyun stop from taking his steps

He froze in his place for a second before finally turning around

"Missed me?"

The same smile greeted him once his body is already rotated one hundred eighty degrees. Not wasting anymore millisecond, the midget felt the lightness of his feet that made him sprint towards his husband who automatically open his long arms for the midget who jump to straddle his waist with its arms wrapped around the taller's neck

Chanyeol let out a chuckle while hugging the midget tightly "Youre heavy Baekhyun"

"Why are you here. I thought you said one week"

"Change of plans. Why? Do you want me to go back?" Baekhyun shake his head to disagree while landing his feet back to the ground

"There's no way you will get another chance to be wi--" a pair of lips that he missed shut the midget up

Blood quickly rise up to the midget's cheeks not because of the kiss. But because they were still in front of his school. So when the taller parted their lips his small fist move towards Chanyeol's chest

"Why!" The taller complains rubbing his chest

"Its embarrassing you idiot! We're in front of my school you dumb ass!" Baekhyun quickly move his feet when his eyes caught the taller's car park just few meter away from them

"Cant I kiss my husband in public? Is that a crime?" He watch the midget's back walking towards his car

"Yes. Because Korea is not a liberated country" Baekhyun retorted looking over his shoulder

Chanyeol just shook his head with a disbelief smile on his face. He then follow Baekhyun who was standing beside the door of his car, obviously cant hop in for the door was locked

"Hurry up giant"

Chanyeol walk towards him. Thinking the taller will open the door for him Baekhyun step aside giving way for Chanyeol but, it startles him when his husband carefully snatch the envelope from his hand

"What's this?" Without any permission from midget Chanyeol open the envelope and pull the papers out

With nervousness filling his veins. Baekhyun was fidgeting and mind went blank for a second

"Is this..." when Chanyeol read the first page. He already found out whats the purpose of the papers


"Lets talk about this at home"

Sorry for not updating for too long huhu. College life sucks...Please vote and comment ~


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