Special Chapter

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Its been three years after their marriage. Baekhyun graduated from college and got his own job. Chanyeol's company continue to grow. And their daughter Sarang is now attending her first grade level in school.

Things that change between them brought lots of barriers between the family. Chanyeol is always out of the country and Baekhyun is always busy with his work that made them both to lack of communication and time for their daughter

Tired from the long hour of work. Baekhyun made his way to their shared room with heavy feet. He was about to check Sarang in her room but he remembered that its Saturday so it means the little girl was in his parents' home.

Once he step in the warm and cozy room. He unbutton his shirt one by one and take it off following his tight black pants.

He was surprise when he heard the running water from the bathroom. So walk towards it and knock

"Chanyeol are you there?" He calls as he keep knocking on the bathroom's door

"Yeah" he heard a loud yeah from the inside and so he leave the door and walk to the closet and get some comfortable clothes which happen to be his husband's massive hoodie

Without hesitation. He wear it before proceeding to check some papers in the table.

While he was reading some documents. A phone vibrated beside his elbow. Its Chanyeol's cellphone. And out of curiosity he peek on the cellphone's screen

From: Jaeun
So, a coffee date later?

He thought his eyes were just fooling him. But when he rub his eyes and read the message again. It was absolutely real

He move his hand to reach the cellphone but the click of the door knob stop him. So he quickly pretend that he was reading some papers

He felt the presence Chanyeol behind him and smells the vanilla scent of its shampoo. But he still act like he was busy reading something

Baekhyun waited if Chanyeol will speak something to him but instead, the taller just grab the cellphone on the table that makes Baekhyun follow the large hand of Chanyeol to see how will his husband reacts to the message

Once Chanyeol opens the device. A timid smile flash in his face that made the smaller's heart to drop

"Im going out with the clients tonight. I guess I'll be home pass midnight" Chanyeol announced as he rumbles his closet to choose some clothes. Little did he know his small husband was already holding back his tears

"Where are you going? Can I come? I dont ha--"

"--Im sorry but you cant Baek, its...uhm...private business matter" Chanyeol lied

"Is that so" was all Baekhyun can reply before he felt a warm drop of tears rolling down his cheeks

"Chanyeol" he softly calls still sitting down in front of the table and back facing the taller

He heard a hummed as a respond and thats when he stand and turn to face his husband who was still busy choosing his top

"Do yo-you perhaps still lo-loves me?" The taller pause from what he is doing once he heard the broken voice of his husband

Chanyeol turns and saw a crying Baekhyun, this time was the second time he saw a broken Baekhyun

The taller's heart race and he quickly drop the clothes he was holding and take a big steps to come near the crying midget

But half way Baekhyun raised his index finger to point at Chanyeol and say "Dont come any closer and just answer my question" that made Chanyeol to freeze in his spot

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