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Third person POV

Walking out from the hotel as fast as he could, Chanyeol almost tripped because of badly wanting to be out of that place

He brushed his hair up trying to reduced the hang over and finally when he arrived at the exit of the hotel, he fished his phone from the pocket of his pants, that fortunately still there

He dialled his assistant number, who was almost with him last night, he can't wait to nag on that kid after letting him fuck someone unknown and worst someone who looks like a clown painted by black make up

"Oh Sehun!" He hissed while clenching his teeth because of annoyance

"Yes hyung?"

"Don't yes hyung me you brat! Why did you left me last night!"

"For your information hyung, you're the one who disappear from my sight and it's not my work to baby sit you during th--"

"Shut up! Even if you're my cousin, FYI you're still working for me! So don't talk to me as if I'm not someo--"

"Yeah yeah right! I'm sorry to cut you Mr Park but I'm busy right now, tons of paper were left in my desk, since my 'boss' were now an hour late to work"

Immediately the giant glance at his wristwatch after hearing that he was late for work, and seeing that it was already pass nine in the morning, he mumbles shit before speaking again

"Hey brat, send a car at the heritage hotel now!" He commanded before ending the line not waiting for the assistant's reply

Not too long of waiting, a luxury car parked right in front of the business man, right after it stop he quickly opens the door and get in the back seat


First step inside his company he was already greeted by some staff who he walk pass by, he just slightly bow as a response to them

He waits for the elevator to bring him up to his office's floor, with a silence inside the elevator that only their breathing can be heard, a loud ding was heard after the elevator stops at the sixteenth floor where the CEO office was placed

Walking out from the elevator with a straight and handsome posture, he went straight to his office only to be followed by his cousin slash assistant with a load of papers in it's hand

"You still smell like shit hyung, did you even take a bath before going here?" The younger boy complains as he settle the papers on the CEO's table

"I have no time, so get my extra clothes on that cabinet, place it on the couch and you may leave this room" Chanyeol said before shutting the door of his own bathroom inside his office

The younger mock his hyung before doing what the giant have said, and left its office

After a nice shower, Chanyeol pick up his clothes from the couch and dressed his self, before finally working on the tower of business proposal and other office issues that was placed on his wide table

While reading some documents, all of a sudden he pause for a while only to be reminded by the face of the young gay he had sex with, it's small figure, it's fair skin and even sexy exposed collar bones of it that was full of bruis and hickies...

But by remembering it's messy face, that is full of black thing all over its face, he shook his face and slightly slap his forehead with the paper he was holding

"Damn it Park! Focus! He may look sexy but he was very ugly" he mutter and continue on his work after gaining back his senses


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