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Baekhyun loudly sit down in front of the dining table still fuming after not seeing Kyungsoo the whole day in their school and being ignored by Jongin when he tried to approach and ask anything about what's happening between the two couple, and adding Chanyeol not picking him up from school

"They frequently tell me everything! But what's happening now!" He complain talkimg about his friends who used to be open with everything about them

He leans back and frowns like an old man worrying about his whole family's problem

His thoughts was interrupted by the young maid who place the dishes on the table causing the two glass made material to colide and make a sound that catch Baekhyun's attention

He throw a glance on the lady, he observes how the lady wears her uniform properly when Chanyeol's not around, because all the button of it's uniform was lock and it's skirt was longer than ever

"Excuse me, but can I know your name?" He ask out of curiosity thinking that he's been in that house for a while but never heard what's the maid's name

The lady stands straight after placing all the foods on the table, and instead of answering the question she said something that made Baekhyun's blood boil like a lava

"I'm sorry but I don't like perverts" She said with a poker face obviously thinking was into him as she sees Baekhyun checking on her body

The petite guy's mouth slanted and eyes narrowed in irritation, he crossed his legs and arms as he leans back again before throwing back an insult to the lady

"I'm sorry too, but for your information I'm totally not attracted to you too, have you seen yourself? Your waist is too wide amd your thighs are too big for mens to like you, and lastly I'm a gay and totally more attractive than you so get lost"

He swing his arm pointing at the door gesturing the maid to get out

The lady groans in annoyance before stumping out of thr dining area leaving the now more fuming small guy who lost his appetite and about to stand and leave the area but was stop when Chanyeol enters

"What's with the long face?" The taller greeted noticing the scrunch face of his fiancé and seems like mumbling something

He walks towards the table and sit across the smaller still looking at its annoyed face

"You haven't eaten yet?" He ask again, but received nothing but a loud sigh

"Hey, are you mad that I didn't pick you up in school? I already tol--"

"It's not that!" The smaller quickly interrupted

"Then what?"

He opens his mouth to speak but soon shutted when his cellphone rings inside his pocket, he fish it and look at the caller's ID and when he saw Kyungsoo's name, he abruptly stand and jog towards the back door heading to the pool side, leaving the taller behind with an unanswered questions

And as soon as he reached the pool side, he swipe tge screen to answer the call

"Kyungsoo-yah!! Where have you been Jongdae and I was loo-- hey are you crying? What happened?" His whiny complains was quickly turned into solace tone when he hears the doe eyed guy sniffs from and sob from the other line

"Baekhyun..." The other cries Baekhyun's name trying to released all thr discomfort feeling he's feeling right now

Baekhyun just stay silent knowing his friend just want someone to listen to him, he sat down crossed legs beside the pool as he waits for Kyungsoo to continue

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