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Third Person POV

"I don't want to struggle doing it here" Baekhyun demand as he move closer to the needy giant's ear and lick its earlobe

Being totally horny and continue being seduced by the vixen, Chanyeol let out a shameless moan and though this boy was a boy the giant can still call him vixen

"Let's finish this shit now, I'm painfully throbbing now" Chanyeol whine as the smaller start dry humping him

As Baekhyun continue to dry hump the giant, it just brings out more moans from the both of them, and soon the giant seems to get frustrated, he move back from the smaller gaining whines from it

"It won't end if we continue this way, let's do it my way"

Without waiting for the midget's response, Chanyeol held his hand and drag him out of the bathroom only to be welcomed by the dancing drunk crowd

And after struggling through the crowd, the two horny drunk person quickly eye on the hotel just across the street

"Looks like no need for a public sex" Chanyeol motioned with a smirk and pull the vixen with him

"Oh I won't either let you sex with me in public" the smaller said with a hiccups because time by time the alcohol starts ruining his mind even more

Not wasting any more time, Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun with him until they reach the lobby of the hotel, and the guard hesistantly opens the door knowing the guest was both drunk

But he recognize that the other guy was Park Chanyeol, the CEO of its own company and the has the biggest name in South Korea that even the smallest people there knows him

Right after the two drunk males arrived at the lobby, a lady approach them with a mark of nervousness on her face

"Y-yes Sir Park, what can I do for you" the girl stutter

"I want my usual room here" the giant taps the marbled desk of the lobby as he impatiently wait for the girl to respond

"Room 1604 for Park Chanyeol, Here's the key sir" she shakily hand the key to the giant and it was harshly grab on her hands

After getting the keys, they both went straight to the elevator and wait till it gets to the sixteenth floor

"I wonder if you're still horny now" Baekhyun says as he leans on the mirrored walls of the elevator

The giant gave him a glance with it's droopy eyes and gently held his hand and not hesitatingly put it in his own grown member

"Feel that? It's aching to be freed until now" he rubbed Baekhyun's hand into his own clothed member and bit his lips as the smaller soon clench on it

As they here the ting sound, without any other words they quickly went out of the elevator and find their room number

As soon as they found the number, Chanyeol swiftly opens the door and pull Baekhyun inside and closed the door by kicking it back

Baekhyun thought his lips were going to be rubbish after the door closed, but the giant quickly held the hem of his shirt and ripped it off from his torso

And when his upper body was exposed, Chanyeol quickly attached his lips to his fair neck, nibbling and sucking it leaving a trace of saliva and purple marks in it, his head purposely turn up giving more access to the taller

Feeling electrified by Chanyeol sloppily sucking the same spot on his neck which bring out his hormy hormones more he grip on it's hair and his other hand was on it's shoulder

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