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Just recovered from my upset stomach that leaves me with puffy eyes ,okay enough of that! 😂

Unlike their usual mornings, Baekhyun was awaken by a tap of his excited mother along with some unknown persons behind her greeting Baekhyun with a genuine smile

His mother sit beside him at the edge of his bed just to grab both of his shoulders and force him to sit up not minding the bed hair look and some dried drool on his cheeks and of course his still sleepy eyes, for god knows what time is it but he sure know that the sun wasn't rising yet just seeing how a dark royal blue skies was still on

His mother brush his hair back and cupped his face, just like what any mother does

"Come on honey, time for brush brush bam" Mrs Byun said with a bit of action

"Brush brush bam?" Baekhyun repeats with a raspy voice having no idea what's his mother's talking about

Mrs Byun roll his eyes and turn his son's face using his left hand to the unnoticed humans who was still standing on the foot row of Baekhyun's bed

"The make up artist, clothes designer, and hair dresser is already here so, enough with your lazy morning things and take a bath before I marry your groom instead" Baekhyun shoot his eyes to his mother who eventually chuckles and pinch Baekhyun's cheek

"Kidding, see that'll wake you up. I'm leaving now I still need to wake your friends up and clean the mess you made last night"

"Sorry mom" he apologize thinking of how much bottle of beer, pack of snacks and other garbage they left in their living area

Mrs Byun just smile and kiss Baekhyun a goodbye before turning his attention to the artist and say

"I'm lending my beautiful son to you ladies and gentleman though he's already pretty, but make him even more pretty, okay? Bye"

Following his mom with his eyes, Baekhyun just shook his head before leaving his bed that as long as he want to be in more, he needa to let go also being so considerate to the person who wokes up early too for his wedding

He smile and bow to the still waiting person "I'll just shower" he shyly announced and tip toe towards the bathroom to excuse himself

Downstairs, Mrs Byun decided to grab a stainless thing from his kitchen before proceeding on the living room where the three young drunkard was still sleeping soundly

She stands just in front of their long couch where exactly the three males lies before clapping both stainless thing together repeatedly creating a fireworks like sounds causing the three to stumble up from their slumber

"Wake up babies!! It's a special and brandnew day!!" She chants adding to the non stop sounds from the stainless things

"Auntie we're awake. Stop it my head aches" Jongdae whines pressing his aching temples

Kyungsoo sat down with Jongin leaning its forehead on the curve of the midget's neck also soothing the slight dizziness he's feeling

And seeing that the three males was already awake, Mrs Byun stops her loud personalized alarm clock

"Okay, now you're all awake. Time to bath just to remind you guys, it's Baekhyun and Chanyeol's wedding day, so release all the aftermath of the alcohol and take a warm shower" she commanded before stomping out of the living area only to be replaced ny Mr Byun

"Here, you younh drinker drink this" He settle three tablet of medicine on the table before also leaving


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