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I suggest you guys to listen to Ezra Band's Wonderful tonight while reading this. Hahaha it gives more feels ~

And my friend fyhuman_ just published her first story I hope you guys read it ~ 😊

Once Chanyeol step inside the bathroom he start ripping off the clothes in his body as he watch Baekhyun turn the shower on and let the warm water run down to his naked glory

Wearing a passionate look in his eyes. Chanyeol step his feet in the shower positioning his self behind Baekhyun who have his eyes close feeling the presence of Chanyeol who soon slide his palm on the midget's bare waist pulling their bodies close to each other until Chanyeol's semi hard shaft made contact with Baekhyun's wiggly butt

Baekhyun bit his lower lip as he felt Chanyeol hump his butt slowly at the same time sucking his shoulder to leave more visible marks together with the old marks that Chanyeol left in his shoulders, chest, neck and even in his inner thigh

Not being contented on the pleasure they're both receiving. Chanyeol twist Baekhyun's body to face him and capture its lips right away. Colliding their awaiting lips together, that is like hearing a music making it move in sync

Chanyeol reach behind Baekhyun cupping its round butt clenching it to slightly lift the midget, while Baekhyun wrap his short arms around Chanyeol's neck to make it easy for them to kiss each other. Baekhyun parted their lips for a while just to stick his tongue out and slide it in Chanyeol's cavern, which Chanyeol gladly accept by sucking it and letting it roam every corner of his mouth with a slight tongue battle.But not too long of tongue sucking and battling they parted with Chanyeol tagging Baekhyun's lower lip between his teeth

Wordless and panting. Chanyeol carefully pressed Baekhyun's back on the cold tiles wall of the shower and down on his kneeds to level his face with Baekhyun's throbbing cock that already retract from its skin showing the pink and leaking head of it, that is too inviting to Chanyeol's eyes

Glancing up to Baekhyun he draw an infamous smirk seeing how Baekhyun look down to him with a hint of command in its eyes telling him to continue

And so he gives a hard lick on the slit of the head earning loud moan from the midget who tries to reach for something to clench on, which he ends up holding on Chanyeol's broad shoulders for a support

Satisfied with Baekhyun's delicious moan. Chanyeol take its full length in, until his dick head reaches the giant's throat causing it him to intentionally gag to pull Baekhyun's cock out of his mouth with a rope of thick saliva connecting it to his mouth. To use it as a lubricant to easily pump Baekhyun's shaft with his large hand

"Oh god yes ~ f-fuck...yes" Baekhyun moans loudly when Chanyeol take him in again bobbing its head with a steady pace while palming his balls causing Baekhyun to be electrified by the pure pleasure he's receiving

Chanyeol gives a hard suck before speeding the bobbing of his head just making Baekhyun heave moans and throw his head back, also making him to be near to his release, feeling his balls and abdomen constrict and his breathing becomes heavy causing him to be lost of words to moans out that the only word he can say is fuck with a shaky tone together with his nails digging in Chanyeol's shoulder preventing his body to collapse 

"F-fuck...ahhh ~" was the last word he said before shooting his load inside Chanyeol's mouth

He leans his head back to the wall trying to come down from his high before looking down to his husband who was still kneeling down with his cum still in its mouth, some are dripping from the side of its mouth

"Why? Does it taste bad this time?" Baekhyun ask feeling slightly hurt that Chanyeol didnt swallow his release

Chanyeol just shook his head and gesture Baekhyun to turn around which the midget did without any protest

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