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OMG I plan to do this story short. But its already forty lol 😂
Chanyeol was the first one who woke up. He roll on the other side where Baekhyun was lying back facing him showing its naked slim back along with its round wiggly butt, for as much as Chanyeol wants to stretch the butt cheeks apart he couldnt. He knows how sore it is for the midget right now

So he get up and covers Baekhyun's small body with blanket again before he stretch his long limbs and walk in the bathroom

After ten or more minutes, he walk out the shower with a towel covering his lower part. He look over Baekhyun and sees that it was still on the same position and sleeping soundly. And so he grab their luggage and begin to search for their things inside the closet

Its just five in the morning and their flight back to Seoul is at seven, so he needs to prepare their things ahead of time

He dresses his self first, and continue to fold and arrange their clothes first and then the sanitary needs and so on

After fixing their things. The next thing he do is dial the hotel service to deliver breakfast to their room, he ordered the usual breakfast, the garlic rice,sausage, chocolate bread and coffee

At five thirty five he decided to wake up the sleeping midget, he sit on the edge of the bed beside Baekhyun and swing his arm on the other side of its waist to easily leans closer to its face

"He drools like a kid" He mumbles wiping Baekhyun's drool with no hesitation

"Baekhyun. You need to wake up the bed might be flooded of your saliva" He says loud enough to wake the midget up

But Baekhyun just groan and slap his shove his presence away and turn his body to the other side

"Baekhyun" he calls reaching the midget's arm to pull it up "Our flight is at seven babe, you need to prepare now and the food is arriving soon"

He force the midget to sit up even though it was still sleeping and now half asleep because of what he did

"Leave me alone! I feel terrible" Baekhyun whines eyes still close and with a frown on its face

Chanyeol just smile with his cute protest. The giant brush his fringe off his eyes before kissing both of the midget's cheeks

"Come on, want me to shower you?" He ask when Baekhyun finally open its eyes and look up to him

"Chanyeol" Baekhyun calls though they were already beside each other and Chanyeol just hummed raising both of of his eyebrows

"You should tell your dick to do some diet" Baekhyun continues

Chanyeol draws line on his forehead "you mean no sex?" He ask

"No. I mean its too long and at the same time too fat, it will ruin the ass out of me when we do some multiple rounds again"

Chanyeol just chuckle and just carry his husband bringing it to the bathroom to give the midget some nice warm bath

"If my dick turn into short and thin one. You will surely leave me"


"Because it will never make you happy and you will get bored of me and then choose a sex toy over this"

"And then you talk to much ~ ! I want to take a bath now" Baekhyun demanded swinging his short legs


They start eating right after Baekhyun finish dressing up, and settled their luggage outside the bedroom

"Aren't your employees needing you these days?" Baekhyun ask, thinking maybe Chanyeol's person was having trouble in the company

"Sehun is there, he could solve any major problems without me. Jaeun is there, she could replaced me to Sehun in any meetings. And when they really need me I could just phone them"

Hearing the word Jaeun instantly rings Baekhyun's ears causing the sleeping jealousy inside him to wake up. But he keep his face with the same expression not sending a single hint to the taller

"Youre so dependent to those people. I see that you trust them so much" Though his face can hide his jealousy, his words go other way but still Chanyeol was clueless about it

"Yeah, because they're with me for so many years"

"Isnt the other person left you" Chanyeol looks up to the midget with a straight face that made Baekhyun avert his eyes quickly

"She did, but you need not to repeat it" He pause when he saw Baekhyun bit his lower lip and look down to his hands "but business is business, no personal life included" he continue with his dark deep voice

Baekhyun just nod feeling something creeps inside him and felt his apetite runs out of his body

"You just heard her name and youre already acting like a child. What's more if I tell you what I need to do next week" Chanyeol announce leaning his chin on his palm

But Baekhyun didnt react and continue looking down on his beautiful hands that's more interesting to look at than any other things

The midget hears the chair across him move, indicating that Chanyeol stands but then he still didnt bother to look up

"Come on, Im sorry for making you feel bad" Baekhyun flinch when a large hand held his intertwining his slender fingers to it

Amd as long as Chanyeol felt pissed about bringing back the past, he know that Baekhyun will do everything to make him feel guilty about using cold tone to him

He trap the smaller inside his arms and shower its face with kisses that the midget gladly accept

"What's with the next week youre talking about?"

"I have business meeting in Singapore" Chanyeol swings their embraced body

"And?" The midget ask knowing that there's something more

"You trust me right?" Even he's feeling nervous about Chanyeol's question, Baekhyun just nodded

"And Im with Jaeun"

"Why?" Baekhyun quickly ask back

"Because she's needed to be there too" Chanyeol explains releasing the midget from his arms to get their things and be ready to check out

Baekhyun follows him by eyes a grudge starting to build inside him again

"No" the midget plainly yet authoritative announced

"What!? Its cant be cancel Baekhyun. Its a major partnership just so you know!"

"Im not letting my husband to spent days or nights with his ex lover just so you know too!" Baekhyun yells back


"You said that Jaeun can replace you with Sehun. So you know what to do" the midget said before walking towards the door

Chanyeol just sigh being frustrated with his husband, and drag his heavy feet out of the hotel room to

"God, please be with me in this" The giant mumbles creating plans in his mind on how to make Baekhyun agree

First day of school and we already have tons of school works to so dead

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